RHH's photos with the keyword: derby

Derby Canyon

19 Jun 2012 269
Last week on our way home from Spokane and the Columbia River gorge, we stopped for the morning in Derby Canyon, just east of Peshastin. This is eastern Washington, so it is much drier than the western side of the mountains and here one finds rather arid sandstone ridges with canyons between them, fabulously beautiful country and we were blessed with beautiful skies that morning. We found the Mountain Lady's Slippers we were looking for, but did quite a bit more exploring in the canyon as well, both by car and on foot. ronaldhanko-orchidhunter.blogspot.com/2012/07/derby-canyo...

Mountain Lady's Slipper

18 Jul 2012 2 343
We have been away for several days to see our handicapped son. We left rather suddenly and without planning on being gone. My apologies for the delay in returning comments. I'll catch everyone up in the course of the day today. On July 13th, as part of a longer trip, we made a few hours' stop in Derby Canyon, east of Peshastin, Washington. We went to see these Lady's Slippers in bloom, but found a lot of other wildflowers blooming as well. The Mountain Lady's Slipper, Cypripedium montanum (montanum means "from the mountains") is the largest flowered and most elegant, though not the showiest, of our native Lady's Slippers, growing to three feet tall with six inch flowers. This photo was the best of the day, but was not taken by me. It is my wife's photo. Since it is her birthday today it is all the more fitting that I post one of her pictures instead of one of my own. Happy Birthday, dear! ronaldhanko-orchidhunter.blogspot.com/2012/07/derby-canyo... nativeorchidsofthepacificnorthwest.blogspot.com/2012/07/m...

Columbia Lily

02 Aug 2012 306
This is our version of the Tiger Lily. It was photographed in Derby Canyon on a recent trip there with my wife. It botanical name is Lilium columbianum. ronaldhanko-orchidhunter.blogspot.ca/2012/07/derby-canyon...

Showy Penstemon

05 Aug 2012 1 272
Photographed in Derby Canyon near Peshastin, Washington, I believe this is the Showy or Royal Penstemon, Penstemon speciosus, though I have trouble with some of them in telling them apart. Derby Canyon is one of many rather dry sandstone canyons in the area that have an amazing flora and are well worth exploring. ronaldhanko-orchidhunter.blogspot.ca/2012/07/derby-canyon...

Silvery Blue

28 Aug 2012 1 2 486
This little butterfly was photographed in Derby Canyon across the mountains earlier this spring. It was a chilly morning and he was not yet active, allowing us to get close enough for good pictures. I believe I have him correctly identified, but if someone knows better, I would be happy for a correction. These little butterflies are hard to photograph and hard to identify. ronaldhanko-orchidhunter.blogspot.com/2012/07/derby-canyo...

Lyall's Mariposa Lily

07 Sep 2012 3 3 339
Photographed in Derby Canyon on the east side of the Cascades, this lovely wildflower is found only in a few counties. Its botanical name is Calochortus lyallii, and while these flowers are almost white, it can have a purplish cast as well. It grows and blooms in the spring for a relatively shot period of time. ronaldhanko-orchidhunter.blogspot.com/2012/07/derby-canyo...