Keyword: derby

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  • derby cathedral (55)
  • derby cathedral (56)
  • derby cathedral (57)
  • derby cathedral (59)c17 tomb to sara allestry with coffin and skull, attrib. to christopher kingsfeild
  • derby cathedral (60)c17 tomb to sara allestry with coffin and skull, attrib. to christopher kingsfeild
  • derby cathedral (62)
  • derby cathedral (63)
  • derby cathedral (64)wooden effigy of a priest, perhaps c16 sub-dean johnson c.1527
  • derby cathedral (65)
  • derby cathedral (66)
  • derby cathedral (67)figure of fame on tomb
  • derby cathedral (68)
  • derby cathedral (1)
  • derby cathedral
  • derby cathedral (2)
  • derby cathedral (3)
  • derby cathedral (4)
  • derby cathedral (5)
  • derby cathedral (6)
  • derby cathedral (7)
  • derby cathedral (8)c19 tomb of daniel parker coke m.p.  +1825
  • derby cathedral (9)wooden tomb effigy of a priest, perhaps c16 sub-dean johnson c.1527
  • derby cathedral (10)wooden effigy of a priest, perhaps c16 sub-dean johnson c.1527, the dog a modern addition
  • derby cathedral (11)
  • derby cathedral (12)c18 tomb of william ponsonby, earl of bessborough +1793 by nollekens with bust and sarcophagus
  • derby cathedral (13)elizabeth , countess of shrewsbury a.k.a. bess of hardwick +1608, c17 tomb and effigy much restored
  • derby cathedral (14)skull, bones and spade on c17 tomb of elizabeth , countess of shrewsbury a.k.a. bess of hardwick +1608, designed by robert smythson and erected in 1601
  • derby cathedral (15)
  • derby cathedral (16)
  • derby cathedral (17)
  • derby cathedral (18)
  • derby cathedral (19)
  • derby cathedral (20)cavendish stag crest on bess of hardwick's tomb erected 1601
  • derby cathedral (21)bess of hardwick's tomb designed by robert smythson 1601, she died in 1608 and the effigy is by an unknown hand . there must have been a fair amount of damage in the civil war period as the  entire inscription was replaced c.1669
  • derby cathedral (22)column and stag crests on bess of hardwick's tomb erected 1601 to a design by robert smythson
  • derby cathedral (23)
  • derby cathedral (24)
  • derby cathedral (25)
  • derby cathedral (26)tomb of artist joseph wright + 1797, brought from st alkmund's in derby ; looks like a reused c15 ledger robbed of its brass
  • derby cathedral (27)c17 brass coffin plate from cavendish vault, william earl of devonshire +1684
  • derby cathedral (28)c17 brass coffin plate from cavendish vault, charles cavendish +1670
  • derby cathedral (29)c18 tomb of caroline, countess of bessborough +1760 by rysbrack, with effigy reclining with a book on a sarcophagus
  • derby cathedral (30)c18 tomb of caroline, countess of bessborough +1760 by rysbrack, with effigy and bust over a sarcophagus
  • derby cathedral (31)tomb effigy of bess of hardwick +1608, presumably much restored c.1669
  • derby cathedral (32)restored cavendish crest on bess of hardwick's early c17 tomb
  • derby cathedral (33)tomb effigy of bess of hardwick +1608, presumably much restored c.1669
  • derby cathedral (35)skull, bones and pick on bess of hardwick's c17 tomb
  • derby cathedral (36)c18 tomb of thomas chambers +1726 and wife +1735  with busts by roubiliac and iron railings by bakewell
  • derby cathedral (37)cherub detail on c18 tomb of thomas chambers +1726 and wife +1735  with busts by roubiliac and iron railings by bakewell
  • derby cathedral (38)c18 tomb of thomas chambers +1726 and wife +1735  with busts by roubiliac and iron railings by bakewell
  • derby cathedral (39)c18 tomb of thomas chambers +1726 and wife +1735  with busts by roubiliac and iron railings by bakewell
  • derby cathedral (40)much restored incised tomb slab of c.1480 of sub dean lawe
  • derby cathedral (42)c17 tomb of richard croshawe +1631 with kneeling effigy and figure of fame above, attrib to christopher kingsfeild
  • derby cathedral (43)
  • derby cathedral (44)skull on c17 tomb of hugh bateman +1682, attrib to gibbons and quellin
  • derby cathedral (45)c19 tomb of mary elizabeth chichester +1830 by westmacott, reclining effigy with book
  • derby cathedral (46)c19 tomb of mary elizabeth chichester +1830 by westmacott, reclining effigy with book
  • derby cathedral (47)c17 tomb to sara allestry with coffin and skull, attrib. to christopher kingsfeild
  • derby cathedral (49)c17 tomb to sara allestry with coffin and skull, attrib. to christopher kingsfeild
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  • Derby Canyon
  • Leidens Ontzet 2011 – Parade – derby cycling
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  • CIMG0286
  • Hands-up