RHH's photos with the keyword: cow

Cow Moose

11 Feb 2022 19 12 148
When in Denali National Park in 2015 we had to wait several hours for the campers' bus at the visitors' center. We spent the time hiking the area and encountered this cow moose at Horseshoe Lake. We later heard that she had attacked several visitors but we had no problems with her though we did stay at a distance.

Bison Cow and Calf

01 Mar 2020 29 12 199
These photos are from Yellowstone National Park once again. I had not quite finished the tour of Yellowstone when we left for Texas, New Mexico and Arizona. This Bison cow and calf were photographed along the main road between Old Faithful and the west entrance road.


01 Mar 2020 16 4 138
This newborn calf was photographed with its mother and several other Bison along the Grand Loop Road in Yellowstone National Park


01 Mar 2020 15 128
These Bison cows and newborn calf were photographed along the main road in Yellowstone National Park.


17 Nov 2019 33 18 274
We are touring Yellowstone, traveling now from Madison Junction where the west entrance road meets the lower loop of the main road and heading northeast and clockwise around that lower loop. The area has a few thermal features but not many but it is an area where bison are often found, such as this cow and calf.


17 Nov 2019 13 2 137
These two young Bison bulls were photographed in Yellowstone National Park just northeast of Madison Junction.


17 Nov 2019 14 1 155
This Bison cow and calf were photographed along the lower loop of the main road through Yellowstone National Park, northeast of Madison Junction.


17 Nov 2019 10 1 160
This Bison bull was photographed along the main road through Yellowstone National Park northeast of Madison Junction and south of Gibbon Falls.


07 Jan 2019 27 21 409
There have been reports of several moose in our area and our daughter saw them when driving to our house a few weeks ago. I've been carrying my camera when I'm out hoping to see and photograph them, but without success until yesterday. I was taking a walk - without my camera - and spotted a cow and two calves, ran home to get my camera and my wife and went out again looking for them and saw them just down the road from where we live. This is the cow and the insets show her and the two calves that were with her. I'm interrupting my series on Joshua Tree National Park to post these and adding them to the group for Pam since I know how excited she would be to see these.


15 Aug 2015 36 17 973
This is another photo of the cow moose we saw at Horseshoe Lake in Denali National Park. At this point the moose was feeding in the lake.


02 Jul 2015 33 13 809
This cow moose was photographed at Horseshoe Lake in Denali National Park on one of the hikes we did while in Denali. We learned later that this cow had been hanging around the lake and had been very aggressive towards anyone who invaded her space. We were not actually as close as appears in the photo and when she moved in our direction we moved quickly away. Moose are often as dangerous as grizzlies and do not like people coming too near them.


04 Sep 2013 20 8 894
When in Yellowstone last summer we came in via the west entrance and joined the main loop at Madison Junction. Near the junction in a small parking area we first saw this bison cow and her new calf. The calf was so young the umbilical cord had not yet fallen off. We took a few pictures and headed back out to the main road where we found them again strolling down the middle of the road as though they owned it (which in Yellowstone they do). We had no choice but to follow them very slowly and at a distance until they left the road and disappeared into the woods. There are other pictures of them on my blog post, but I especially liked this one.

Two Cow Moose

19 Aug 2013 14 7 800
Or is it Mooses? Whatever you call two of them they were photographed in the area of Bonaparte Lake in eastern Washington. They were very wary and when we started to take pictures they quickly disappeared. They are the largest animals in the deer family and the second largest mammal in North America, second only to the bison. These are the subspecies known as Alces alces shirasi, the smallest of all the subspecies in North America