Anna Sanfilippo's articles with the keyword: Dusseldorf

  • Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy: 3 Febbraio 1809 - 4 Novembre 1847.

    - 04 Nov 2013
    Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy: Amburgo, 3 Febbraio 1809 - Lipsia: 4 Novembre 1847

  • Felix nel Reno...:-)

    - 21 Jul 2013
    Beeatital it was, also, when the Queen of Bavaria arrived at Dusseldorf in a steamer, to see and hear Mendelssohn, and Mendelssohn, with two friends, was bathing in the Rhine, close to the landing-place—without Schwimmhosen. Ghost of Lord Haddo, imagine the scene ! " But we had a splendid view of the whole of the proceedings ; saw how Count 5— introduced the whole of the parsons, as well as the generals, to her Majesty ; and saw bow the senatus populusque Ditoseldotfiensis lined the shore,…