Latest photos

Updated on: 22 Oct 2023.

KBS 707 Krebsbachtalbahn, album created on 20 Apr 2022

Magie des Waldes, album created on 02 Jan 2022

22 items in total.

Stadt, album created on 27 Dec 2021

5 items in total.

Bau einer Wohnanlage (Video)

Bau eines Wohnhause in 50 Bildern. Bitte das Original herunterladen, um die Bilderserie in langsamer Geschwindigkeit anzusehen! ------------------------- Building a home in 50 pictures. Please download original to view the picture series in slow spee… - See all videos

About wirsberg


Herb Riddle Günter Klaus Petar Bojić Thomas Heizmann Elbertinum Erhard Bernstein bonsai59 Fred Fouarge Frank Wilhelm Damir Citoyen du Monde PHneutre84 Erika Akire Wilfried Marie-claire Gallet François Manchon


 François Manchon
François Manchon
Merci pour l'ajout
4 years ago.
 Jaap van 't Veen
Jaap van 't Veen club
Thank you for your visit and welcome to Ipernity.
6 years ago.