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Updated on: 23 Apr 2024.

everyone, album created on 08 Jun 2008

6 items in total.

Trees, album created on 08 Jun 2008

16 items in total.

The Golden Gate Bridge, album created on 08 Jun 2008

9 items in total.

First Aid Kit - My Silver Lining (Official Music Video)

Quelle: YouTube - See all videos
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Nathalia Crane - 14 years ago

Nathalia Crane was 10 years old in 1927 A little girl from Brooklyn. And she published her first book of poems. This girl was 10 years old and she was "dutifully shiver(ing) in bed??" Talk about beyond her years... The Janitor's Boy Oh I'm in love with the janitor's boy, And the janitor's boy loves me; He's going to hunt for a desert isle In our geography. A desert isle with spicy trees Somewhere near Sheepshead b…

About Sweetlife


Brigitte ✨️ aNNa schramm Heide Christa1004 Chrissy Berny * ઇଓ * Pat Jocelyne Villoing Heidiho Ferl Christel Ehretsmann Majka ºLº Gertraude Gabriella Siglinde malona Annemarie Jadviga Grase Dida From Augsburg SLANG Belleuse Natrixxl Taormina Annalia S. pimlico Mavì Soledad Bezanilla Peredo

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Latest comments - All (88)
Sweetlife club
Thank you Thorsten
3 years ago.
A fine portfolio!
3 years ago.
Sweetlife club
Dziękuję, jestem w porządku kochanie Alino, mam nadzieję, że wszystko z tobą w porządku*******
6 years ago.
bonsoir uwe, j'espère que tu vas bien ?

j'ai un ami qui a oublié l'endroit d'une de ses photos. pourrais-tu aller voir si tu reconnais svp ?
je te mets le lien et je te remercie par avance
7 years ago.
Nathalie club
magnifique galerie!!
7 years ago.

Want to write a little note as well?