Juan E.'s Guestbook

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Heidi-Erica autofantasia Juan E. elvigiadelosamaneceres.com Citoyen du Monde sawsengee Gilles D. Dominique Campioni Juan Vega FOTOGRAFÍAS Brigitte ✨️ Ennedi Aixa Olga Belyaeva Alain Gobert Gyp' SPETITANGE

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Te deseo una muy hermosa semana. La verdad que entro muy poco a Ipernity.La razon es que no he salido a ningun lugar en el verano,solamente por aqui los alrededores.Ademas no se que me pasa pero estoy muy desmotivada con la fotografia y con Ipernity .Bueno...a mediado de marzo me voy por 6 dias a San Pedro de Atacama. Ahi si que creo que traere muchas fotos.
Un afectuoso saludo de Erica
10 years ago.
elvigiadelosamanecer… club
Gracias Juan, ¿cómo se llama el ave que mata los pequeños reptiles en la rama con espinas?
9 years ago.
 Juan E.
Juan E.
9 years ago.
autofantasia club
As you are already aware ipernity is under threat of closure.

However, I’m pleased to say that a crowdfunding campaign has been initiated to raise funds to secure the platform's short term future in the first instance, but ultimately with a view to acquiring it for the community.

Many have already made a donation, myself included, and the campaign has got off to a great start, but there is still a way to go and less than a fortnight to reach the target … otherwise the site will almost certainly close.

So, I would urge you, if you haven't already made a pledge, but want ipernity to survive to follow the link below and donate as much as you can afford.

Help Save Ipernity

This is a unique opportunity then for everyone who loves ipernity and who wants it to not only survive, but to become somewhere we can call home for many years to come to help secure its future. Yes, there are still questions to be answered and hurdles to be overcome, but together we really can make a difference.

Please support the campaign in any way you can, be that by making a donation, encouraging your friends and family to do so, or even just by mentioning it on social media such as Facebook or Twitter.

Best wishes

8 years ago.
Feliz fin de semana
5 years ago.

Want to write a little note as well?