Latest photos

Updated on: 09 Nov 2019.

Europe 2018, album created on 29 Mar 2019

shots i took in europe in november 2018.

seattle etc 2018, album created on 10 Sep 2018

20 items in total.

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Back from the States - 10 years ago

I'm back. On this trip I went to four states(Washington, Nevada, Utah and Arizona(briefly)). I had no idea Utah was so gorgeous. Don't really expect my pictures to come out nearly as good as it looks in real life but we'll see. I shot about 16 rolls of film(medium format and 35mm). My friend Eric unexpectedly gave me a fisheye 2 when i was visiting him. Apparently, it was a Christmas gift from years ago that he never got around to mailing to me. So i got to run a few tests through it(one of…

  • Off to the states

    - 20 Mar 2014
    I'm heading to the states for the next month or so. Won't be on Ipernity in that time, but will have lots to post when I get back! :)

  • Back from Seattle

    - 06 Sep 2013
    I'm back from Seattle. Cameras for this trip were the Holga 120N, the Pinholga 120N, and the Olympus XA. I think I ended up shooting about ten 35mm rolls and the same amount in medium format. Not sure if there's much on those aside from typical snapshots. i've just begun the scanning process and have yet to pick up the medium format rolls from the lab.

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Latest comments - All (8)
thanks christopher! working small does present more difficulties. it's easier if you can find pictures that are small to work with or simplify how you do things in some cases.
10 years ago.
thanks david. hope you are both enjoying your instax camera. i love mine, just wish i had a little more control over focus.
11 years ago.
i'll look forward to seeing what you do when you've got the time to try it. :)
11 years ago.
thanks much patrice. have you done any yourself? i set up a group for them, but seems not many are interested in the process.
11 years ago.
11 years ago.

Want to write a little note as well?