Signs and Billboards, album created on 20 Aug 2014

40 items in total.

Dances and Dancers, album created on 19 Jul 2013

59 items in total.

Playgrounds, album created on 16 Sep 2024

6 items in total.

About Alan Mays


Bergfex wintorbos John FitzGerald Team Smiley Derleth David Slater (Spoddendale) Justfolk Deborah Lundbech MJ Maccardini (trailerfullofpix) tarboat raingirl RicksPics Canafornian Frode Stan Askew Indycaver (Norm) Penny Richards amylsacks arts enthusiast Stephen Blanchard Risa Profana PopKulture Era: '51 madSec Formica Larry He's So Fine


Latest comments - All (11)
 Robert Swanson
Robert Swanson club
Wonderful historic photos. Thanks for sharing.
5 years ago.
 Alan Mays
Alan Mays club
In these uncertain times, I wanted to let everyone know that I'm over at Flickr, too:
8 years ago.
FMW51 club
Thank you very much Alan for your visit and your nice comment to the photo of my big brother in the fence :-)
Have a great evening!
8 years ago.
 Alan Mays
Alan Mays club
Smiley, thanks very much! I appreciate your kind words here, and I'm grateful for all your day-to-day faves and gracious comments. I enjoy sharing the ephemera and photos from my collection, and I hope that the background info helps to convey how interesting and entertaining I find the material to be. I must say, too, that I admire your collection as well, and I always discover amusing, intriguing, and thought provoking items among your images. Thanks for all you share, too!
10 years ago.
 Smiley Derleth
Smiley Derleth club
Alan, your collection is joy to browse. As someone else pointed out the other day, you do a great job of sharing the background of the items you post. It is like an ephemera/memorabilia museum. Thank you for sharing all this good stuff with us.
10 years ago.

Want to write a little note as well?