Group: *Italo-Byzantine Vacuity

Vereinfachung der alphabetischen Suche nach Gruppennahmen

Gerrit Fischer
24 Nov 2018 - 6 comments - 517 visits- Permalink   |   Translate title into English

Ich würde gerne Sonderzeichen aus den Gruppennahmen entfernen, da sie die Suche nach geeigneten Gruppen erschweren.

The topic of this discussion has been edited by Gerrit Fischer 6 years ago.

6 comments - The latest ones
 Steve Bucknell
Steve Bucknell club
I can’t understand that comment Gerrit, the Google translate makes no sense. Can anyone translate it into English?
6 years ago. Edited 6 years ago.
 aNNa schramm
aNNa schramm club
here the translator from Deepl.translator:
I would like to remove special characters from the group names because they make it difficult to find suitable groups.
6 years ago.
Steve Bucknell club has replied to aNNa schramm club
Thanks Anna, but I still don’t understand what “special characters” are, so I still can’t grasp what is meant.
6 years ago.
Amazingstoker has replied to Steve Bucknell club
I assume it's the "*" at the start of the name which would move the sort order away from the 'I' in 'Italo', I'm a traditionalist and quite like the '*'. And maybe also the '-'
6 years ago. Edited 6 years ago.
 The Limbo Connection
The Limbo Connection club
I am a special character and I regard any suggestion of my removal as threatening behaviour.
6 years ago.
Steve Bucknell club has replied to The Limbo Connection club
It looks as though the special character/s will remain, in accordance with the ancient traditions of Italo-Byzantine Obscurity.
6 years ago.

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