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Azores, The Island of Pico, The Beach on the Volca…

Ahorn mit Beeren? (2xPiP)

Zweierlei ziemlich zauselige Holzpilze

Zavelstein, Schulmeisters Brünnele

manine rosate

Campanula ...

non me ne intendo di mosche ... ID ?

eterottero sconosciuto - ID ?

Insekt an meinem Garagentor

August 1968 - Albert und Elke - Verliebt -

a fence for a Phlomis

Glowing Green Leaves at Beverly Beach State Park!…

Fringed Pinesap or Vancouver Groundcone at Honeyma…

H.A.N.W.E. !!!!!!!!!!!!!

Mulino a Fontvieille (Sourdon ?)

Damigella francese ;-)

Migrant Hawker female?

brassicacea - ID ?


lamiacea - ID ?


ombrellifera ? ID ?

Giallo di Primavera
