Group: Wale und Delphine/Whales and Dolphins

Dominican Republic, Pirouette Jump of Humpback Wha…

Alaska, The Herd of Humpback Whales in Valdez Bay

Alaska, The Herd of Humpback Whales in Valdez Bay


Azores, The Island of Pico, The Tail of Sperm Whal…

Dolphin Show

Humpback whales

Alaska, Tail Fin of a Humpback Whale in Valdez Bay

Друзья / Friends

Плаваем с дельфином / Swimming with Dolphin

Dominican Republic, The Humpback Whale in Samana B…



Hvaldimir, making of (2)

Pilot Whales

Leaping dolphin

Young sperm whale

Minke Whale