Group: Paths Tracks and Trails

Beautiful Border.

Climbing aboard

New House.

Hill Farm.

Countdown Supermarket.

4014 Front-End

4014 Approaches (II)

Baggage Car Behind the #4014

4014 Passing By

Track Maintenance Equipment

Track Maintenance Equipment (H.A.N.W.E.)

End of Car Carrier Train

End of a Car Carrier Train

Union Pacific Steam Locomotive #4014 near Vail Iow…

The Entrance To Hamilton Gardens

Down Our Street.

Comin' at Ya

Steam Locomotive (HFF)

Caboose (HFF, H.A.N.W.E.)

Indian Takeaway.

Rotorua City.

4014 Big Boy Pass-By

Fence Over Stream.

Hotel at Putaruru

View through trees

Sunset Gate.