Group: Moths

Luna moth on electrical box

Scarlet Tiger Moth - Callimorpha dominula

Luna moth on window

86/366: Forget-Me-Not Moth (+1 picture in a note)

82/366: Beautiful Coccoon

Clymene moth


Alianthus Webworm Moth

Spiny Oakworm Moth

Walnut Sphnix Moth

IBa054 Cirrhochrista fumipalpis (Fig Moth)

IBa043 Orvasca rufalba - Portrait

IBa015 Amata huebneri


H is for Huge Hawk Moth (Hyles Lineata)

1991 Deilephila elpenor (Elephant Hawkmoth)

KS038A Erebus ephesperis

1995 Cerura vinula (Puss Moth)

1980 Smerinthus ocellata (Eyed Hawkmoth)

1653 Habrosyne pyritoides (Buff Arches)

291/365: "Everyday holds the possibility of a mira…

Clio Tiger Moth Ready for Take-Off!

1986 Euchromia polymena

Six-spot Burnet moths - Seven Sisters Country Park…

Clio Tiger Moth Pupas (with background textures!)

Pre-Putating Clio Tiger Moth Caterpillars and Pupa…

Clio Tiger Moth Caterpillar Pupating Nest (with In…

Fancy-Haired Clio Tiger Moth Caterpillar Next to a…

"Let Me Outa Here!!!"