Group: Airports of the world

Only contributions by Dimas Sequeira are shown | Display all contributions of the group

Getting on board - return to Lisbon.

Zoom view to southwest.

Cesária Évora Airport.

Overview to Vila Nova do Corvo.

Overview to the aerodrome's runway.

Terminal of Corvo Island aerodrome.

Towering view to Santa Cruz das Flores and airport…

Towering view.

Looking north, from Vigia Viewpoint.

View over Santa Cruz das Flores.

Plane about to take off towards Lisbon.

Faial Airport.

View from São Jorge to Pico.

On the runway, about to take off.

Aircraft "Faial" - with capacity for 37 passengers…

Sunrise at 06.13.

Rocky mounts of Sicily.

Terminal of Graciosa's aerodrome.

"Teófilo Braga" - the SATA aircraft just arrived f…

Control tower of runway.