Group: Quadrangles and Courtyards

Cloister of Saint Benedict Monastery.


Cloister with the Cross of Malta.

Crémieu (38) 13 octobre 2023.

Cloister of New Saint Claire Convent, Coimbra.

Cloister of New Saint Claire Convent, Coimbra.

Micha Cloister (16th century).

Crows Cloister.

Inn's Cloister.

Main Cloister.

Laundry Cloister (1426-1453).

Corral del Carbón (14th century).

Garden of Lindaraja Yard.

Lions Yard.

Comares Yard (also known as Mirtyles Yard).

Yard of the Ditch.

Generalife and Yard of the Ditch.

Generalife and Yard of the Ditch.

Yard of the Sultana.

Cloister of the former Convent of Christ Wounds.

Cloister of Lóios Convent (1632).

la chapelle Algérienne du village de l'Herbe


Cloister of Lamego Cathedral.

Eastern cloister of Saint Francis Monastery.