Group: Fotografia analogica - Analogue Photography

Hamburg Airport #2

Klön im Witthausbusch (1983)

meeting in the middle

winter trees at dusk

along the fence

marshland journey


cloud between the trees

bay blues

encased in ice

protecting the dunes

Calabria - Spiaggia del Mar Tirreno - S. M. Del Ce…

fence to the sea

private party

Dentelles de Montmirail, scanned from a print a fe…

nature's lantern

what's happening?

wetland dunes

waiting for the fog to clear

a stroll at low tide

HFF-for Everyone 5-1-2021.......De Vesdre Lake

HFF-for Everyone........ Vijlen 1985 with Tomm…

Scavi di Ercolano - Napoli

the seer

Calabria - Strada statale 18

Calabria - Lido Pierino - Luglio 2019