Group: Ghost Signs

IMG 3220-001-Bloom's Pianos

Brutalist signage

anl - ghost sign [HWW]

whn - Arrighi's [1 of 2]

Manoora tank

O&S - old ghost sign

Latimer & Crick corn merchants

IMG 2056-001-Ladies Dress Baskets

IMG 2057-001-Repairs

Engines and engineering

Kiln based

IMG 2370-001-Monster Clothing Establishment

IMG 1277-001-Warner's Corner Grocery

IMG 1198-001-Gordon Fabrics

IMG 1199-001-Bloom's Pianos

IMG 1100-001-House of Wolf

IMG 1117-001-John Hill & Co

IMG 1127-001-Wear Dunn & Co's Hats

IMG 1124-001-Redfern Rubber Heels

IMG 1121-001-Wittick Bakery Hovis

IMG 1119-001-David Levy Hotel

IMG 0912-001-Ghostsign Palimpsest

IMG 0830-001-Pring & Rose Showcards

88 & 90 French Street - Southampton - 20.5.2005


Hayle Gas Company Limited

National News Telegram