Group: Vintage Photos of Transportation

RERM - bs - big saloon on shed

Lititz Truck Service, Lititz, Lancaster County, Pe…

Blue Bug-a-Boo-Boo

Bicycle with Training Wheels in the Living Room

Woman with Automobile

Some Trouble!

HWH - Cawfields Quarry loco "The Varney"

Pennsylvania State Policeman

dss - Mona's Queen {8 of 12}

Doggie in the Car Window

olb - Whitby No2 lifeboat at Poplar

Five Girls in an Automobile, July 9, 1911

Out for a Drive in Coney Island


Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower on Parade, New York City…


Paddan Canal Boat Ride, Gothenburg, Sweden, July 1…

Out for a Drive at the Morrow-Umatilla County Fair…

Parade Float, Welcome Home Day, Sunbury, Pa., 1919

Sinister Sam and the California Gals

Motorcycle Mama and Papa

Souvenir Photo of Man and Woman at the Wawona Tree

Simply Simon with Some Piemen Going to a Fair?

Don't Get Carried Away!

Automobile in Flooded Street, Warren, Pennsylvania…


Boeing Clipper at Honolulu, March 12, 1939

British R34 Airship, July 1919


Girl with Bicycle, Dog, and Puppies