Group: Caffenol - The Joy of Coffee & Film

Microfilms etc. and Caffenol-C-L

31 Jul 2013 - 338 visits- Permalink   |   Translate title into English

This is for Ilya and all others, who want to use C-C-L with these kind of films. I have extraordinary good results with Kodak Technical Pan @ EI 25 and Agfa Copex rapid @ EI 50. TechPan comes better than with the dedicated Technidol developer. Agfaortho 25 and Imagelink HQ were a little bit underexposed and or underdeveloped. With these films you should do your own experiments for film speed and dev time before you shoot important pics. Imagelink HQ may require no restrainer at all, but I'm not sure.

Dev time 10 -15 minutes @ 20 °C as a starting point. Adjust for your needs.

Use a little bit of pot. bromide as restrainer, 0.1 to 0.3 g/l to avoid streaking and uneven development. Better agitate more than less, especially the first minute continuosly. Keep the developer cool @ 20 °C recommended. Use demin water for developer and final rinse. Stop as usual 2x with plain water, no acidic stop bath! Use a fixer more diluted than regular, 1:10 recommended. Otherwise you get rapid fixing in seconds. The negs don't look as "crunchy" as others, but that's perfect.

Best - Reinhold

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