Group: AI Generated Images

Artificial intelligence and the future of photography

By Bergfex club
13 Jul 2023 - 13 comments - 246 visits- Permalink   |   Translate title into English

I am linking here to what I think is a very good review article. It can help to get a quick overview and to make first attempts:

-- Rob Stamp adds --
A search for this phrase translated from the above German article, "Is it possible that artificial intelligence will make photography obsolete in the future", yielded this article

Although it does not go into the details of the different AI generators of the German article. Of course you can do you own research for articles in your own language, to see the various points of view.

The topic of this discussion has been edited by Bergfex 15 months ago.

13 comments - The latest ones
Bergfex club
Wenn ich mir nach nunmehr gut drei Monaten anschaue, wie die Gruppe Anklang findet und wächst, dann habe ich damit ja wohl einen Nerv getroffen.
Weiter so!
16 months ago.
Xata club has replied to Bergfex club
Is there any English version to your article? Hard to copy/paste to the translator on tablet and I am not home…

Pls read my answer to Steve underneath.
I think your group for AI is a good idea, maybe announce this in a banner and in the monlhly newsletter.
16 months ago. Edited 16 months ago.
Bergfex club has replied to Xata club
Ich habe mal ein Banner und ein Icon entwerfen lassen - von Dall E3.
16 months ago.
 Steve Paxton
Steve Paxton club
I Have to say I am old but not dead yet. I go way back to 35mm film days most here would not know anything about. What you took is what you got, the advent of Photoshop where a photo may not end up the same from where it started always made me shudder. How true are we being to our start.

Since the age of digital Things I always wanted to take photos off became possible.

Its still a pure photograph even though it may be 5 images to get the whole.

Still a genuine 100% photo as taken 274 shots, editing is what we all do but where do we start and finish.

I think that Ai is still very new may not even start with a real photo but 100% computer generated. I do believe there has to be a line drawn in the sand just how we classify the two very different mediums . Ipernity was started out bought by real photographers the world over. I see no problem in Ai being Ai but its not a real photo in the true sense of the word, Plus a bit of editing and not a major change where it's totally not recognisable from its start.

I do think there is a place for both but 100% original and 90% changed by Ai or even 100% Ai but they are not the same they really are two different "photos".

I hope Ai get its place but I do think that Ai is not the same as if I had a film and pressed the shutter, What I took is what I got.
16 months ago. Edited 16 months ago.
Xata club has replied to Steve Paxton club
I can just say I fully agree with you on this matter. AI works can be fun to be looked at but for me it is not photography is I see it. Same for some extreme HDR editing… Problem for groups like HFF is that if AI pics were posted once in a while it could be ok, but I am sure if we allow we will be invaded in detriment of genuine photography.
Guess Bernhard’s AI generated pics group is a good idea, IMHO AI images and real photography are not the same and AI deserves its own separated space as it seems it willbe a trend in the future, so ipernity has to open its doors for it.
Now in groups each admin has a right to accept it or not, we are in democracy.
16 months ago.
Bergfex club
I also see myself as a 100 per cent photographer. My first camera was a 6x6 roll-film camera, then I got a 35mm SLR, and so it went on.

In the meantime, all of us who meet here have arrived in the digital world, with possibilities that have always been possible and used in the analogue world as well, only much less frequently because it was very time-consuming. I'm thinking of retouching, dodging, colouring, double exposures and many other methods of conjuring up something in the darkroom that wasn't there on the negative. Photoshop and similar image editing programmes have made it routine.

And now AI is entering the playing field. This widens the possibilities of photography back to what existed before it: creative painting. If you look at old paintings of Alpine panoramas, for example, they often have little in common with reality. They show what the artist wanted to express, not necessarily reality.

Alongside this, documentary photography will of course retain its importance. But the artistic part will increase. I'm quite sure of that.

I founded this group to give this artistic space a meeting place. Because ipernity has always been a platform for artistic activity. There were and still are members who paint and scan watercolours or publish graphics. Others have been doing nothing but composing for years, which is somehow similar to AI-generated images.

I think it's an exciting time we're living in. Barriers are changing or disappearing. New visual technologies allow us to express ourselves even better. Some people only want to take and show purist out-of-cam pictures, others want to share their fantasy worlds with us. There should be room for all of this on ipernity.

I am curious to see what we will see here in three, five or 10 years' time.
16 months ago. Edited 16 months ago.
 Boarischa Krautmo
Boarischa Krautmo club
Why do people take photographs?

Some of them because they like the machines, cameras and lenses, masterpieces of precision engineerng. Those guys you'll meet in equipment forums, they love to talk about lens distortion, resolution, sensors and much more. They post two kind of pictures: Siemns stars and lines of batteries on their desk to check tho focus......

All others want to tell a story with their pictures, about real stars, interstellar fogs, galaxies, blue rope ;-), dry land and the explosion of vegetation after rain, mountains and alpinism, forests....

And it is always a very personal point of view - if I go to Portugal I will not see the motifs Isabel finds (but maybe have an outside view on the country), if I try to photograph the stars, you won't be able to tell stars from noise ;-), in the mountains I brrea my arm (but my camera survived ;-)) - and if we all go to the forest the same time, we will come out with very differnet pictures.

So the device is only a continuation of our respective mind - the camera doesn't make the pictures, the photographer does.

So from my point of view limitating the device is nonsense, the box in the hand has nothig to do with the story......
16 months ago.
Bergfex club has replied to Boarischa Krautmo club
So wie der Topf nicht dafür verantwortlich ist, was der Koch mit ihm anstellt.
16 months ago.
Boarischa Krautmo club has replied to Bergfex club
16 months ago.
 Bruno Lombard
Bruno Lombard
Hello to you all ! sorry for my English not being as accurate I would like it to be, I am a French man so this may explain that...
I discovered IA a few months ago and I was captivated from the very beginning...
After several months of practising, I consider IA more as a proposal rather than a finished 'product'.
This is why I, now, always modify the result with photoshop.
The result is therefore completely different and I do not think of it as a 'photography' but rather as an 'image' which I try to make unique.
Thank you for your having read me (maybe)
15 months ago.
Kayleigh club
Willkommen in der Gruppe, ich wünsch dir viel Freude und Inspiration hier :-)
15 months ago.
 Eric Desjours
Eric Desjours club
I agree with Markus (Boarischa), Isabel and Bernhard.
A photograph is a subjective expression of a person. Personally, as an amateur photographer, that's what interests me as much as the quality of the subject and the technique.
Through a 100% AI composition, a machine, a computer, expresses itself. Some men are the creators of this machine and its software, but creating an algorithm is within the reach of many people, with or without artistic talent.
As a computer scientist, I'm captivated by artistic creation using computers - especially music. But only when it allows the expression of the soul of an artist or a person.
I create sometimes random music. After listening to it for 5 minutes, I move on to something else and forget about it. For me, 100% AI compositions fall into this category.
But I wouldn't dream of banning it here or anywhere else.

Let's just defend individual expression - in photography and art, but also in many other areas of activity where banning subjectivity would be tantamount to banishing humanity/civilisation. But perhaps is this the future of a Man who is showing more and more how little consideration he has for the Other...

Thank you, Bernhard, for initiating this “debate” as captivating as it is important.
15 months ago. Edited 15 months ago.
Bergfex club
Thanks Rob for the above added link to the very good English article!
15 months ago.

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