Group: HTT - Happy Tuesday Table

Welcome !

By A StoneRoad2013 club
26 Dec 2022 - 4 comments - 97 visits- Permalink   |   Translate title into English

Although I don't contribute every week to the challenge groups, I do enjoy the level of participation.
It was drawn to my attention that there wasn't a group for Tuesdays - so I've made one.

The Tuesday Table - of any type - needs to be a significant part of the image, which can also include people and objects on the table.

Usual group rule - only one image per week is preferred, to be posted on Tuesday in your time zone..
Also, this is a family friendly group, with all that implies. Unacceptable images WILL be deleted.

Have Fun, I'm looking forward to seeing everyone's contributions !
Tractacus club
Thanks for the invite!
2 years ago.
StoneRoad2013 club has replied to Tractacus club
Pleasure is all mine - at 21:29 there are only just over two & one half hours left to midnight plus one minute ...
2 years ago.
raingirl club
this will be fun - hopefully i can do it here and there. i love tables and what they tell us about people's lives - we often live at our dining room tables. i once was going to create an art project about just that! ah, wonderful intentions. so far i've lacked the follow through, partly because it required me to go to other people's houses. but your group will be easier to participate in.
thanks for starting it up.
2 years ago.
StoneRoad2013 club has replied to raingirl club
I'm pretty sure that this should be fun, there so many tables & ways to use that surface !
2 years ago.

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