Group: Coats of arms - blasons - Wappen - escudos

Royal Spanish coat of arms, Azulejos, Lluc Museum

Coat of arms, Palma

Coat of arms of Palma de Mallorca

New College Coat of Arms

Coat of arms of Palma de Mallorca, Ajuntament, Pal…

Coat of arms of Palma de Mallorca

Coat of arms of Palma de Mallorca

Das Wappen von Quedlinburg...

Kanaldeckel in Bad Oldesloe

Wappenplatte vor dem Tor zum Palace of Holyroodhou…

Crucius coat of arms

van Dorp coat of arms


Meerman coat of arms, Meermansburg almshouse Leide…

De Raet and Schuijlenburg family coats of arms

Putto mooning the coat of arms of William the Sile…

Coat of arms of Holland, Gevangenpoort, The Hague

Coat of arms of Groningen Province, Provinciehuis

Grim lion, Menkemaborg

Alberda family coat of arms, Menkemaborg

Kampen coat of arms

Coats of arms of Frisian nobility 1, Leeuwarden

Coats of arms of Frisian nobility 2, Leeuwarden

Coat of arms of Nijmegen

Old Post office , Zwolle

Coat of arms of Leiden

Micklegate Bar armorial - York - August 1989

Merchants Hall armorial - York - August 1989