Group: IPERNITY - Ambassador Images

What is an Ambassador Image?

By A Bergfex club
13 Dec 2022 - 4 comments - 297 visits- Permalink   |   Translate title into English

A glance at the group objective says: "The intention is to show images by our members that are particularly worth seeing and that represent the spectrum of their work in the greatest possible diversity. It is not a ‚best of‘ group."

To answer the question asked in the headline, one must therefore clarify how an ‚image worth seeing‘ is defined. Surprisingly, one can hardly find any articles on this subject on the internet. Therefore, I wrote an article about it:

[EN] What is a noteworthy photo?
[FR] Qu'est-ce qu'une photo remarquable ?
[GE] Was ist ein sehenswertes Foto?

In short:

Whether images are worth seeing is decided by the viewers only. Generally speaking, images are more likely to be considered worth seeing, if they

- attract attention,
- arouse fiction,
- touch emotionally.

For truly exceptional iamges, the 'image quality' is less important. Normally, however, an image for the group 'Ambassador Images' should have at least a good amateur quality.
More on this in: What is a good photo?

If an image of yours meets at least two of the three criteria mentioned above, you are invited to submit it to this group.

(Discussions are also welcome directly under the cited articles.)

Edit November 2023: The former term 'Picture' has been replaced by 'Image'. As I was advised by a native speaker, 'pictures' are more painting (oil or water colour), or a drawing (pencil, child's crayon?). And while one can say 'take a picture with a camera', in the electronic age, 'image' seems the better fit.

The topic of this discussion has been edited by Bergfex 16 months ago.

Annemarie club
Thanks for this clair and perfect statement!
2 years ago.
Annaig56 club
pourquoi m'avoir refusé ma photo suggérée par
21 months ago.
Team club has replied to Annaig56 club
La photo n'a pas été refusée ! Elle figure sur la liste des propositions du jury. Celui-ci se réunit une fois par mois pour décider de son acceptation. Nous vous remercions de votre patience.
21 months ago.
Bergfex club has replied to Annaig56 club
La photo n'a malheureusement pas été incluse dans la sélection des plus remarquables. C'est le résultat du vote à bulletin secret des 11 membres de l'équipe éditoriale.

Personnellement, j'ai trouvé que la chaise en arrière-plan du visage était un motif de dévalorisation. Elle détourne l'attention de l'expression du visage et n'ajoute rien à l'effet du portrait. Il aurait fallu l'enlever avant la prise de vue ou, au plus tard, la retoucher après coup lors du traitement de l'image.
21 months ago.

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