Group: Extraterrestrials are among us!

Teneriffa. San Cristóbal de La Laguna

Ils arrivent...

"Sea Monster" (Kiki Kogelnik - 1974)

Extraterrestre originaire du Japon

Les aliens du terril

Samudra, the Sea Serpent

hello you, ALL

Exhibition of theatre puppets.

Exhibition of theatre puppets.

Staufen Herbst 24

Echte Käferzikade

Mante religieuse et métallique

Nouvelle espèce de batraciens

HFF from Oannina , Greece

Playing together

Our Alien helping the Mexican police on a scooter.

7-9-24-Making friends with mexican mounted police.

HFF from Mexico

Webcam Alien, riding a horse near Kuelap (Peru)