Group: bergen en watervallen

Israel, The Mountain of Shelomo (705m) at the Suns…

Israel, Sunset over the Mountains of Eilat

Easy paths 2

Easy paths 3

Easy Paths

Zambia, Victoria Falls from Left Bank of the River…

Zambia, "Knife Edge" Bridge with Victoria Falls in…

Zimbabwe, Main Stream of the Victoria Falls

Zimbabwe, Victoria Falls Gorge, View from Right St…

Giesbachfálle schweisz

Bij Teufelsbrúcke 1975 switserland

Большой Каньон Крыма, Ванна Молодости

Водопад Су-Учхан

Bulgaria, Rila Mountains with the Highest Mountain…

Bulgaria, Mt. Vitosha (2290m) taken from the Slope…

Bulgaria, Mt. Vitosha (2290m) taken from Rila Lake…

Bulgaria, Rila Mountains in Winter

Bulgaria, St.George Church in Bistritsa Village

Bulgaria, Tiny Waterfall and Remnants of Snow in t…

Bulgaria, Artificial Waterfall on the River of Bis…

Iceland, Dettifoss Waterfall Close-up

Israel, Walking in the Park of Timna

Israel, Burrows and Caves in the Rocks of Timna Pa…

Fallbach Wasserfall - HFF