Group: Begraafplaatsen -cemetry's

Bird of peace

HFF - Gittertor vorm alten Friedhof

HFF - Vier Pfosten

(Hbm) Akerstraat

Entrance to another world---HWW

With Ronald among the dead

Hugo Harpur Crewe 1858-1905 HFF

Departed HFF

All Saints--All Souls day

Sit down,and think it over....(Hbm)

De H.Cunibertus church

The Same grave for Everyone

cemetary where everyone is the same

Der kleine Friedhof von Remuzat

HFF - verlassene Seelen

Der Müller und seine Frau (PiP)

Alte Steine

Kirche in Groß Zicker

saints and souls

a Ray from Heaven

Alte Gräber

HFF - Detailreicher Grabzaun

Keeper of the dead

Last resting place (Hbm)

From Another world for our dead