Group: Ipernity Members Association Project

IMA NEWSFLASH Sept.15th, 2017 / 15.Sept.2017

By A Bergfex club
16 Sep 2017 - 88 comments - 1 662 visits- Permalink   |   Translate title into English


Dear members!

1) Certainly many of you have seen already, that the new subscription periods (6 and 12 months) are as well online, as the new IMA prices for the club subscriptions. As soon as we have checked the operational capability completely – particularly with regard to credit card payments – we will give the formal go-ahead for your renewals or subscriptions.

2) We are very pleased, that our efforts to reactivate "Explore" were a complete success. Furthermore we are doing well with deleting the accumulated spam . But since the actual sign up for Ipernity doesn’t need any authentication concerning the registration of new accounts yet, this website will fall victim to spammers or robots again and again. Therefore we ask you to remain attentive and report inappropriate content . We suggest you to report it using the "Report as inappropriate" link, which is situated at the bottom right of a photo or article.

3) Last but not least we are pleased with all offers to help us on the website. Thanks a lot! As soon as we are familiar enough ourselves we will move to the next needs and help

Have a nice weekend!

On behalf of IMA,
Eric and William


Chers membres !

1) Beaucoup d'entre vous ont déjà constaté que les nouvelles périodes d'abonnement (6 et 12 mois) sont déjà en ligne, ainsi que les nouveaux tarifs IMA pour les abonnements au Club. Dès que nous aurons terminé de régler la procédure de leur encaissement, en particulier pour ce qui concerne les paiements par carte de crédit, nous vous donnerons le délai officiel pour vos renouvellements ou vos abonnements.

2) Nous sommes très heureux, que nos efforts pour réactiver "Explore" aient été couronnés de succès. En outre, nous avons supprimé tout le Spam accumulé depuis longtemps. Mais tant que la version actuelle d'Ipernity ne gère pas l'authentification lors de l'enregistrement de nouveaux comptes, ce site Web sera victime de spammeurs ou de robots. Par conséquent, nous vous demandons d'être plus attentifs. Si vous remarquez un contenu inapproprié, nous vous demandons de nous le signaler en utilisant le lien "Signaler comme indésirable" qui se trouve en bas à droite de chaque photo ou article.

3) Last but not least, nous sommes très reconnaissant à ceux qui nous ont proposé leur aide pour la modération du site. Merci beaucoup ! Dès que nous seront devenus suffisamment familiers avec les différents outils de modération, nous prendrons en compte ces propositions.

Bon week-end à vous !

Au nom de l'IMA,
Eric et William


Liebe Mitglieder!

1) Wie einige von euch inzwischen bemerkt haben, sind die neuen Zeiträume (6 und 12 Monate), sowie die neuen IMA-Preise für die Club-Abonnements bereits online. Sobald wir die volle Funktionsfähigkeit – vor allem auch im Hinblick auf Kreditkartenzahlungen – getestet haben, werden wir das offizielle Startsignal für die Abo-Verlängerungen geben.

2) Zu unserer großen Freude konnten wir die EXPLORE-Funktion inzwischen vollständig reaktivieren. Des Weiteren haben wir die Webseite inzwischen auch weitgehend von altem Spam befreit. Da das aktuelle Release von Ipernity bei Account-Neuanmeldungen jedoch keinerlei Authentizitätsprüfung durchführt, wird die Webseite in dieser Version immer wieder von Spammern und Robots heimgesucht werden. Wir bitten euch deshalb weiterhin um eure Aufmerksamkeit und Mitarbeit. Solltet ihr auf Inhalte stoßen, die ihr bedenklich findet, meldet dies bitte über den Link "Als unangebracht markieren" am unteren rechten Rand des jeweiligen Fotos oder Beitrags.

3) Last but not least freuen wir uns über diverse Hilfsangebote, die uns im Hinblick auf die Moderation der Website gemacht wurden. Dafür zunächst einmal unseren herzlichsten Dank! Sobald wir uns mit den Moderationstools ausreichend vertraut gemacht haben, werden wir diese Angebote fallweise gern in Anspruch nehmen.

Wir wünschen euch ein schönes Wochenende!

Im Auftrag von IMA
Eric und William
88 comments - The latest ones
 M♥rJ Photogr♥phy !! ( Marj )
M♥rJ Photogr♥phy !!… club
Thank u for the latest update Bergfex !!!
7 years ago. Edited 7 years ago.
 Roger Dodger
Roger Dodger
Thanks very much ;-)
7 years ago.
 Nora Caracci
Nora Caracci club
thanks a lot !!!
7 years ago.
 Marta Wojtkowska
Marta Wojtkowska club
Good to know how things are going :)
Thank you!
7 years ago.
 Peggy C
Peggy C club
Many, many thanks !
7 years ago.
╰☆☆June☆☆╮ club
Thank you very much. Have a great weekend.
7 years ago.
 aNNa schramm
aNNa schramm club
7 years ago.
 Tanja - Loughcrew
Tanja - Loughcrew club
Die Wiederauferstehung von Explore bringt wieder frischen Wind herein....das ist wirklich großartig!
Danke auch hier geht Stück für Stück und deswegen sollten alle auch ein wenig Geduld und vor allem Verständnis aufbringen....wie verzweifelt waren wir noch vor 9 Monaten? ;)
7 years ago.
 Treasa Ui Cionaodha
Treasa Ui Cionaodha
Thanks for the update Bernhard. Keep on Trucking. Getting there hopefully. Regards Tess
7 years ago.
Thanks very much for your great work! . Many greetings from Sw
(meine Verlängerung des Abo-clubs mit Kreditkarte funktionierte ausgezeichnet :-)
7 years ago. Edited 7 years ago.
Bergfex club has replied to (*NIKonGT*)
Leider ist das noch nicht bei allen Karten stabil. Deshalb haben wir noch kein offizielles GO-Ahead gegeben.
7 years ago.
 franco benf
franco benf club
Is the payment feature locked?
7 years ago.
Bergfex club has replied to franco benf club
No, it's not locked. You can use it at your own risk. Paypal works well in most cases, creditcards still make problems in several cases. But the prices and periods are ok now!
7 years ago.
M♥rJ Photogr♥phy !!… club has replied to Bergfex club
Are you saying that if we pay the money for our membership now it goes to IMA now & NOT ipernity of old ?
Also is it all done & dusted now & IMA have control of this site .......I'm reading between the lines here ............??
I have just looked at renewing my subscription, but it's not telling me much as to whom the money goes to !!!
7 years ago. Edited 7 years ago.
Pam J club has replied to M♥rJ Photogr♥phy !!… club
Yes the money goes to the IMA

See Bernhard's reply above (and I have put underneath

"......You can use it at your own risk. Paypal works well in most cases, creditcards still make problems in several cases. But the prices and periods are ok now !...."

Please also re-read point 1) in the news post

Yes the IMA has control of almost all.. still some technicalities to be sorted out
7 years ago. Edited 7 years ago.
M♥rJ Photogr♥phy !!… club has replied to Pam J club
Thank you Pam ......but I was expecting a big announcement to say we are open for business ....Which would be nice as to stop any confusion,,, It doesn't take much to get me confused !!!!!
7 years ago.
Pam J club has replied to M♥rJ Photogr♥phy !!… club
Well miracles take a tad longer Marj !!
7 years ago. Edited 7 years ago.
franco benf club has replied to Bergfex club
Do not work links, 6 or 12 months, can not subscribe for now, does not open payment mode
7 years ago.
Treasa Ui Cionaodha has replied to M♥rJ Photogr♥phy !!… club
Here is an accidental find to prove where renewal of subscriptions is now going. The money is going. The invoice clearly states the money is going to the IMA
Link to the payment invoice.
7 years ago.
M♥rJ Photogr♥phy !!… club has replied to Treasa Ui Cionaodha
Thank you for that Tess !!!
7 years ago.
 Doug Shepherd
Doug Shepherd club
Thanks very much.
7 years ago.
Annaig56 club
7 years ago.
Mmm! Don't want to be a pain Pam, I almost paid my subs today but there still remains a But !!!, It's this business with in my case (PayPal) what is the Risk? I use paypal a lot with E bay and other on line purchases and never had an issue. It's this mention of a Risk that's putting me off paying and it is frustrating.
7 years ago.
 M♥rJ Photogr♥phy !! ( Marj )
M♥rJ Photogr♥phy !!… club
I will not be paying any money until there is very basic Update to all concerned that That .....IMA have control of the site ..... You can now pay for your Subscriptions + the cost, ....Not it's a risk to pay by what ever !!!!!
7 years ago.
Pam J club has replied to M♥rJ Photogr♥phy !!… club
As I you before Marj... we do have control of the site.. the "technicalities" have nothing to do with anything that affects payment or much else. They are to do with coding etc... not sure how else to say we have control of the site !

As to a further announcement... again.. see post above 1)

As soon as we have checked the operational capability completely – particularly with regard to credit card payments – we will give the formal go-ahead for your renewals or subscriptions...
7 years ago. Edited 7 years ago.
M♥rJ Photogr♥phy !!… club has replied to Pam J club
Pam all I'm saying is that it should be announced In a single message to everyone about the site in ownership of the IMA & that payment can be now made & the might know what is going on, but I have had a few people ask me as they don't seem to know ....
7 years ago.
autofantasia club has replied to M♥rJ Photogr♥phy !!… club
I have to say that I agree with you Marj and the very fact that this issue keeps getting raised time and time again over since the IMA first started trying to take control of the site proves that it is an issue and therefore should be seen as a problem that needs addressing.

Repeatedly telling people who bring it up that the problem lies with the individual and not the IMA isn't, in my opinion at least, very helpful. Nor does it do much to keep people on side at a time when we all need to be pulling together.

I hear (again) what the IMA are saying about the difficulties of mass email campaigns, but is it really that much of an issue? Personally, I always thought it might have been a made up excuse by Team Ipernity to keep discussions and awareness of their difficulties to a minimum.

I subscribe to many online forums and magazine websites etc., nearly all of which issue regular updates and/or newsletters (sometimes monthly, sometimes weekly) to users. Even ipernity does that: on the 1st of each month I, and presumably every other user of the site that hasn't opted out of such mailing, gets a news report sent through to them and the world doesn't seem to stop turning.

So, proof that it can be done, ipernity itself even does it, so why are we still having this debate? If a specific single one-off message is to difficult to produce and issue then why not look at modifying the news reports?

These obviously work to a template whereby specific code customises the content to capture activity relevant to each individual user. However, there are obviously other bits of text/data that are standardised across each and every report that goes out so why not just 'tweak' that so that you can insert some sort of IMA statement?

Sorry, I appreciate you guys are struggling with the technical side of things, but just because you're not quite sure how to do something doesn't mean it can't be done. And in the interests of transparency, clarity and good old-fashioned 'customer service' I'd say it's time you guys looked again at this.
7 years ago. Edited 7 years ago.
Bergfex club has replied to autofantasia club
Ich muss da jetzt mal kurz in meiner Muttersprache drauf antworten, damit wirklich nichts missverstanden wird:
1) arbeiten wir in der IMA als Team rund um den Globus und stimmen uns per Mail untereinander ab. Außer uns sechs ehrenamtlichen Leutchen gibt es niemanden. Kein Büro, keine Mitarbeiter. Wir können also nicht einfach jemanden intern damit beauftragen, sich um irgendwelche Angelegenheiten zu kümmern und umgehende Erledigung einfordern, wie man es in einem kommerziellen Betrieb machen würde, sondern müssen immer zusehen, wer gerade (neben seinem Job, seiner Familie und seinem Alltag) Ressourcen frei hat.
2) Arbeiten wir intern selbstverständlich eine Prioritätenliste ab und haben für die einzelnen topics auch Zuständigkeiten. Aber weil wir auch noch ein Leben außerhalb der IMA haben (s.o.) können wir nicht jeden Tag viele Stunden darauf verwenden. Es können auch mal Tage vergehen, an denen wir uns nicht um die Angelegenheiten kümmern können, selbst wenn sie dringend sind.
3) Benötigt IMA für alle Angelegenheiten, die über das Moderationstool hinausgehen, also den Quellcode betreffen, die Hilfe von Christophe Ruelle. Die hat er zwar versprochen, aber er ist manchmal auch 10 Tage lang nicht zu erreichen. In der Hinsicht sind wir (bis auf Weiteres) noch ausgeliefert.
4) Zur Sache selbst: Die Zahlungsströme sind bereits sämtlich umgeleitet. Alle erfolgreich abgewickelten Zahlungen landen auch bei IMA. Aus unerfindlichen technischen Gründen gibt es jedoch unverändert bei einigen Kreditkartentypen Zurückweisungen durch die zentrale Kreditkartenorganisation SKRILL. Wir sind gerade dabei, für diese Kreditkartentypen neue Accounts einzurichten. Aber auch das muss codiert werden. Denn leider wurden die Accounts nicht einfach in einer Tabelle hinterlegt, die einfach modifiziert werden könnte, sondern sind in den Quellcode eingebunden. Dazu braucht es also wieder die Hilfe von Christophe . . ., und das dauert wieder.

Summa summarum: Es hilft gar nichts, zu quengeln oder Druck zu machen. Wir arbeiten an dem Thema, so schnell wir können, aber kommen um die genannten Nadelöhre leider nicht drum herum.
7 years ago.
M♥rJ Photogr♥phy !!… club has replied to autofantasia club
Thank you Paul .........& for whom it may concern .......If just one person can type up a short worded to the point that .....ipernity is now under new management & that the monies paid for subscription will go to straight to IMA .....People can then copy & paste & send it to their contacts to spread the word around !!

I have Messaged all my contacts with a short note that IP is open for business, but it would be better if I had an official letter to send from someone in the IMA.....Also I have noticed that a lot of people are still without subscription for whatever reason ...... that is money waiting to keep us alive ....... It has been said that people should look to this group for updates, people should do a lot of things but they don't & as they say can lead a horse to water !!!
7 years ago. Edited 7 years ago.
Treasa Ui Cionaodha has replied to autofantasia club
+ 10
7 years ago. Edited 7 years ago.
Treasa Ui Cionaodha has replied to M♥rJ Photogr♥phy !!… club
You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink. Prov. You can present someone with an opportunity, but you cannot force him or her to take advantage of it.
7 years ago.
M♥rJ Photogr♥phy !!… club has replied to Treasa Ui Cionaodha
True !!
7 years ago.
Rrrolf club
Meine PayPal-Zahlung (41,95€) ging problemlos an “Association des membres ipernity“, also nicht mehr IP/SA. Es gab für mich dadurch keinen Grund mehr noch länger zu warten.
7 years ago.
Pam J club has replied to Rrrolf club
Danke Rrrolf !!!
7 years ago.
Esther club
I am very eager to re-join, but I will hold off until whatever risk exists is fixed. Hopefully soon. Thanks again to everyone who worked so hard to save the site.
7 years ago.
Pam J club has replied to Esther club
Esther ... "risk' explained in answer above to Maurice (HappySnapper).

PayPal... some credit cards are being declined (for no good reason).... it happened to me and one or two others. But not to others...

And that is why... as we have said .... (see post)

"........As soon as we have checked the operational capability completely – particularly with regard to credit card payments – we will give the formal go-ahead for your renewals or subscriptions..."

7 years ago. Edited 7 years ago.
William Sutherland club has replied to Pam J club
To clarify. There is NO risk when one renews through Paypal. Risk only exists with re: to credit cards since for some reason many credit card attempts are being declined.

I recommend people hold off renewing if it will be done with a credit card. Paypal has no issues.

IMA now controls the website. This can clearly be seen by the renewals made by Rrrolf and Happy Snapper. The money goes to IMA not IPSA since IMA is paying all operational costs to keep the site running.
7 years ago.
Rrrolf club has replied to William Sutherland club
No risk, no problems for me, paid with PayPal to “Association des membres ipernity“ (not to IP/SA!).
7 years ago. Edited 7 years ago.
Marta Wojtkowska club has replied to William Sutherland club
I think that the problem with some credit cards being declined is not new.
I remember some Ipernity Club members starting to be very annoyed with the problem a couple (or more) years ago. The Ipernity team then could not deal with the problem, sent evasive messages, and eventually stopped responding to any request from the interested parties. Some people left IP because of it.
7 years ago.
Marta Wojtkowska club has replied to Rrrolf club
7 years ago.
HappySnapper has replied to Rrrolf club
Me also no problem with Paypal.
7 years ago. Edited 7 years ago.
Ceropegia club has replied to William Sutherland club
Very anxious to have my club status back. If I now renew with Paypal, will I become a club member again right away, or will I have to wait for "things to get sorted out"?
7 years ago.
raingirl club has replied to Ceropegia club
Looks like you have successfully re-newed, but in case you haven't, people are stating that if might take a few minutes for all your photos to re-load in your account but that everything is go straight away - no waiting for "things to get sorted out".
7 years ago.
William Sutherland club has replied to Ceropegia club
You will become a club member immediately. :)
7 years ago.
Esther club
Great! I'm looking forward to being a full member again.
7 years ago.
I have just paid my membership via PayPal £37.95 = one year. No issues and the money went to IMA.
WARNING: when Ipernity messages acknowledgement of payment and months purchased, in my case 12 months the date shows 10/3/2018. Do not forget this is continental / US format and in the UK it will be 3/10/2018. PAM I was just about ready to fire off a broadside until the penny dropped !!! Lol.
7 years ago.
Pam J club has replied to HappySnapper
Yayyyyyyyy Maurice... !!

It was just 4 that it faulted and there was no reason why it should have. It was always going to the IMA side but why it declined the cards we still do not know.

Glad all went well !!

Re the date format.... I have been here 11 years.. and it still throws me every time. I have had to get in the habit of actually saying or writing the date/month to stop the confusion. I totally sympathise !
7 years ago. Edited 7 years ago.
Krisonteme club
Merci de ces précisions ,dès que je serai sûre que mon abonnement ira réellement à IMA j'effectuerai mon versement annuel par carte comme a mon habitude depuis maintenant presque 10 ans
7 years ago. Edited 7 years ago.
raingirl club has replied to Krisonteme club
See comments below by Pam J - ALL payments are now going to IMA. The only problems left lie in some people who use credit cards to pay getting refused. Be assured that if your payment goes through, it is going to the right place - IMA!!!!
7 years ago.
 Peggy C
Peggy C club
That brings forth a memory on sub paying with Credit Card to IP/SA ... had to join a third party -- Skrill - believe that was the name .. then, the payment went through..
7 years ago. Edited 7 years ago.
dgmphoto club
Looks like I'm back - PayPal worked fine for me. BUT If I were not following this group I would not know what was happening. Some form of mass communication is really needed if money from subscriptions is to start flowing.
7 years ago.
Pam J club has replied to dgmphoto club
"These are 'mass communications" if folk cannot make an effort to read one group... ! People do know and ask and read ... and also speak to others."

Incidently.. to send out a huge mass emails causes just about ALL email providers to block Ipernity's emails. It happened before when it was tried. Some may remember an email blockade for 3 days or more.

We are not seeing people having problems knowing what is going on... all they need to do is spend 10 mins reading the Blog (now we have access to that) and this group. Asking that of people isnt much to ask.
7 years ago. Edited 7 years ago.
Treasa Ui Cionaodha has replied to Pam J club
Yes you are right Pam IP sent out a mass email which ended up with ipernity's mails blocked because it was picked up as spam by virus protection companies such as Norton and other companies.
IP got around this situation by sending the same emails in smaller batches. Which caused no problems and resulting in Everyone eventually getting the intended mail. Maybe Christophe could help you with how to solve the above problem.

I think Marj and Djmphoto's have a good point To ensure all members are informed about what is happening in IMA (We have to face and accept the fact that it appears most members don't read blogs) communication between Members and IMA could be maximized by being contacted by emails from the IMA..
If members don't know what's going on because of lack of communication from the IMA the IMA could loose alot of members just because they (the members) were not informed on ongoing progress and information from the IMA. . Especially regarding the new subscription rates and the cut off point for paying subs.
Just my humble opinion.
7 years ago. Edited 7 years ago.
Treasa Ui Cionaodha has replied to dgmphoto club
7 years ago.
M♥rJ Photogr♥phy !!… club has replied to Treasa Ui Cionaodha
+1 !!!!!
7 years ago.
M♥rJ Photogr♥phy !!… club has replied to Treasa Ui Cionaodha
+1 !!!
7 years ago.
Ceropegia club
Decided to try paypal. Delighted to be back!
7 years ago.
Be◉bachter club
Club-member again! Via PayPal.
Many thanks to Eric & William and all who represent the "inner circle" of the very engaged and active "IMA-rescue"-group.
Let's hope the very best ... and btw I share the concerns of dgmphoto
7 years ago. Edited 7 years ago.
Pam J club has replied to Be◉bachter club
Same answer as to dgmphoto

"These are 'mass communications" if folk cannot make an effort to read one group... ! People do know and ask and read ... and also speak to others."

Incidently.. to send out a huge mass emails causes just about ALL email providers to block Ipernity's emails. It happened before when it was tried. Some may remember an email blockade for 3 days or more.

We are not seeing people having problems knowing what is going on... all they need to do is spend 10 mins reading the Blog (now we have access to that) and this group. Asking that of people isnt much to ask.
7 years ago. Edited 7 years ago.
 Peggy C
Peggy C club
Thankee :)
7 years ago.
Be◉bachter club
Sorry Pam, I was so long absent / inactive on my own site. All I was looking for in the last months was the group-site to learn what happens (or not) with Ipernity. So I did not realize that meanwhile on the "News"-tab is a link to the IMA-newsflash.
My fault.
7 years ago.
Pam J club has replied to Be◉bachter club

No worries... ! It was just info.. Glad you are back and hope you can spread the word ! That all helps a lot too .

Thankyou !
7 years ago.
GrahamH club
Thanks Eric and William.
7 years ago.
 Jaap van 't Veen
Jaap van 't Veen club
Thanks for the updates !!

ps: I have a list with 'members' who should be moderated, because they are most probably
commercial/advertising on Ipernity. How and where to send that list ???
7 years ago.
Bergfex club has replied to Jaap van 't Veen club
Dear Jaap, send it to me, please.
I'll extinguish those accounts asap.
7 years ago.
Pam J club has replied to Jaap van 't Veen club

I am doing Moderation twice a day for some hours. They would have probably vanished as I did them

If you re-read point 2 above... it tells you this

" ... 2) We are very pleased, that our efforts to reactivate "Explore" were a complete success. Furthermore we are doing well with deleting the accumulated spam . But since the actual sign up for Ipernity doesn’t need any authentication concerning the registration of new accounts yet, this website will fall victim to spammers or robots again and again. Therefore we ask you to remain attentive and report inappropriate content . We suggest you to report it using the "Report as inappropriate" link, which is situated at the bottom right of a photo or article....

Thankyou for finding them.. and if you report them.. I will deal with them
7 years ago. Edited 7 years ago.
╰☆☆June☆☆╮ club
As of 18.00 GMT visa card payment working fine
7 years ago.
Heidiho club has replied to ╰☆☆June☆☆╮ club
Really ?
I will try it !
7 years ago.
Xata club
I went in my account and found this:

"Já é membro do Club ipernity e estamos lhe muito agradecidos.
A sua assinatura expira em 5 de Abril 2018. Deseja prolongá-la desde já?"

That seems a message from IP/sa. In the renewal page it is like it was previously, same red clubseat, so... I would like to know where do I find the right place to pay IMA.

There is no urgency as I leave tomorrow to the Feroe Islands and will be back end of the month in time to renew before IMA's deadline, anyhow I will have internet so I keep in touch.

Thanks for making this clear, I think I am not the only one...
7 years ago. Edited 7 years ago.
Pam J club has replied to Xata club

To renew is exactly the same way as it always has been.

Nothing has changed on that.

Go to your Account Settings.. and then at the top is a link to Extend or (probably ) Upgrade or something like that.

Click it.. then by the red chair a big link !

Click it and it will take you to this page (you stopped at this point I think)

You will see 6 and 12 mths.

This is the exact same way as you have done before.

That will take you to the payments !
7 years ago. Edited 7 years ago.
Xata club has replied to Pam J club
OK thanks. My doubt was that it seemed so much alike what was before that I wanted to be sure it would not go to previous but to IMA...
7 years ago.
Earthwatcher club
Hooray! Renewed my Club Subscription via Paypal. Fully active once more!
Huge thanks to the IMA team for all their hard work!
7 years ago.
 franco benf
franco benf club

From this point I can not go on, and blocked, I will wait
7 years ago. Edited 7 years ago.
raingirl club has replied to franco benf club
I think it might be helpful to the IMA founders if you gave some more details about your problem (since I haven't seen this issue listed by anyone else). For example, did you get an error message? Or did you click and it just stayed on the same page?

Pam J? Eric? Thoughts?
7 years ago.
 Treasa Ui Cionaodha
Treasa Ui Cionaodha
Paypal is linked to pay the IMA.
For those who are not using Paypal. Are the other cards such as Visa or Mastercard "and others." all using Skrill . So is Skrill linked to pay IMA or IP/Sa Does anyone Know ???????

As soon as we have checked the operational capability completely - especially with regard to credit card payments - we will give the formal go-ahead for your renewals or subscriptions.
This suggests to me that regarding Credit card payments it is not clear where the payment may go.
7 years ago.
Pam J club has replied to Treasa Ui Cionaodha

Everything is linked to the IMA.... linkage is not the problem and never was.

It was/is that a tiny few number of cards (no particular "type" ) were not being accepted . There has been no apparent reason why and 99% of people were fine . Eric is still I believe having it checked out.
7 years ago. Edited 7 years ago.
 Peggy C
Peggy C club
Re: subscription

Just did mine.... but, as a safeguard .. SKRILL which is what I go through (like last year) was put on hold by my MasterCard and I got an immediate text from MC ...

After telling them the info needed, I went back and everything went smoothly.

It was interesting - the Customer Service Rep asked "who is SKRILL?" Told him it was sort of like PayPal ... "Oh .."

Good luck to all in getting IMA the monies needed !
7 years ago. Edited 7 years ago.
Pam J club has replied to Peggy C club
I have passed that info on Peggy. To Eric who is dealing with this.
7 years ago.
Esther club
I just renewed with PayPal. All is right with the world.
7 years ago.
Peggy C club has replied to Esther club
+ 1
7 years ago.
 neki desu
neki desu
ok me again . went to my dashboard to renew. sine my subs expire in 2018 when i enter renew it gives me until 2019.which does not sound right as the monies covering 2018 went to ipernity sa. and it's my loss. i'm ok with that, but correct me if i'm wrong.
i am confused . do i go directly to paypal and pay (who?) or do it via dashboard.?
7 years ago.
Pam J club has replied to neki desu
neki desu

Asking for some answers for you... !

The answer will not be instant .. hang in there please !
7 years ago.
William Sutherland club has replied to neki desu

My suggestion is to hold off renewing as long as your membership remains valid and no announcement has been made confirming the need to renew under IMA. The technical issues are complex. Thus only renew when the need arises through an IMA announcement or your membership expires.
7 years ago.
I might be wrong but as far as I can see Neki account status is correct if the rules regarding the loss of membership for payments made before 2nd May 2017 have not yet been applied. I also think that the cut off rule cannot be applied until an announcement that membership fees payable to IMA can proceed for all payment methods.
Neki may have assumed that the rules had already been applied and was expecting a 2018 end of membership term. I am thinking if a top up payment has been made is it possible to cancel the balance of a previous payment (Previous to 2nd May 2017) and retain the current balance !!.
7 years ago. Edited 7 years ago.
 Pam J
Pam J club
Maurice... it is in part to do with the status not yet being able to be changed yes. I am trying to get some help answering that in a better fashion and with a resolution

William has now answered Neki
7 years ago. Edited 7 years ago.
 Treasa Ui Cionaodha

This discussion has been closed by Bergfex.