Group: Ipernity Members Association Project
IMA NEWSFLASH Sept. 1st, 2017 / 1. Sept.2017
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Comments here please ...
The 1st September IMA announcement is also published on the Team Ip Blog, here :-
and repeated here below
= EN=
Dear Members,
We are thrilled to announce that we are about to take the last steps of IMA's take-over of the Ipernity platform and service. IMA is now handling the financial aspects of the site. IMA made the first payment to Amazon Web Services for August and will continue to pay the operating costs to ensure the site runs without interruption. This is a major accomplishment in the transition from Ipernity S.A. to IMA.
However, technical issues such as renewal options still need to be resolved due to software/coding issues. These issues are currently being addressed with the objective of a quick resolution.
When the payment issues are resolved, we will be offering the following subscription options:
· 1 year subscription: $49.99 / or Euro /GB pounds equivalent
· 6 months subscription: $27.50 / or Euro /GB pounds equivalent
· Trial account: We offer a free account limited to 3 months for new members only. This account will be deactivated but may be recovered if a subscription is paid within a 3-months period. After this period, the account and all content will be permanently deleted.
For the existing subscriptions the following rules will be applied:
· Subscriptions dated 2nd May 2017 and afterwards using the new rates are maintained until their term.
· Subscriptions dated before 2nd of May 2017 are cancelled: their Ipernity “club” status is removed and they become the equivalent of a free account (see below). There will be a grace period of one month to renew these subscriptions. This grace period also includes existing free accounts created before the implementation and the application of the new subscription rules.
Failure to subscribe or renew an expired subscription within the one-month grace period will result in account deactivation. After 3 months all content will be permanently deleted.
The next bulletin will come when the payment issues are resolved and Subscriptions can be made.
PLEASE NOTE: We are not able at this point to do other things on site yet such as Spam removal, Explore Updates, etc. That will come later on.
On behalf of IMA, Eric and William
= FR =
Chers membres,
Nous sommes ravis de vous annoncer que nous sommes sur le point de réaliser la prise en charge complète par l'IMA de la plate-forme et du service Ipernity. l'IMA contrôle désormais les aspects financiers de la gestion du site. Elle a effectué le premier paiement auprès des services Web d'Amazon (AWS) pour le mois d'août et assurera le paiement des coûts d'exploitation à venir pour garantir que le site fonctionne sans interruption. Il s'agit donc une avancée majeure dans la transition entre Ipernity S.A. et l'IMA.
Cependant certains aspects techniques tels que la mise en place des nouvelles options d'abonnements, décrites ci-dessous, ne sont pas encore résolus en terme d'implémentation logicielle. Ce travail est en cours, avec l'objectif d'une résolution rapide.
Dès que ces problèmes relatifs aux inscriptions seront résolus, nous proposerons les options d'abonnements suivantes :
· Abonnement de 1 an : 49,99 $ ou équivalent en Euros/Livres Sterling
· Souscription de 6 mois : 27,50 $ ou équivalent en Euros/Livres Sterling
· Abonnement découverte : nous offrons un compte illimité gratuit restreint à 3 mois, pour les nouveaux membres uniquement. Ce compte sera désactivé au bout de 3 mois mais pourra être récupéré si un abonnement est souscrit dans un délai de 3 mois suivant cette désactivation. Après ce délai, le compte et tout son contenu seront définitivement supprimés.
Pour les abonnements en cours, les règles suivantes seront appliquées :
· Les abonnements postérieurs au 1er Mai 2017 (à partir donc de la mise en place des derniers tarifs) sont maintenus jusqu'à leur terme.
· Les abonnements antérieurs au 2 Mai 2017 sont annulés : leur statut de "Club" d'Ipernity est annulé et ils deviennent l'équivalent d'un compte gratuit (voir ci-dessous). Un délai de grâce d'un mois est concédé pour le renouvellement de ces abonnements.
La période de grâce concerne également les comptes gratuits créés avant l'application effective des nouvelles règles d'abonnement.
Le défaut d'abonnement ou de renouvellement d'abonnement à l'issue du délai de grâce d'un mois entraînera la désactivation du compte. Après 3 mois sans réabonnement, tout le contenu sera définitivement supprimé.
~~~ Notre prochain bulletin sera publié dès la résolution des difficultés de mise en place des nouvelles règles mentionnées ci-dessus, c'est à dire dès que les nouveaux abonnements pourront être souscrits.
VEUILLEZ NOTER que nous ne sommes pas, à ce stade, en position de prendre en charge d'autres fonctions sur le site, notamment la suppression des SPAMs, la mise à jour d' "Explorer" (Explore), qui sont du ressort du Modérateur. Cela sera également mis en place dès la résolution des derniers problèmes techniques.
Au nom de l'IMA, Eric et William
= DE =
Liebe Mitglieder,
Wir sind begeistert, mitteilen zu können, dass wir dabei sind, die letzten Schritte der Übernahme der Ipernity Plattform und Services durch IMA zu vollenden. IMA kontrolliert nun die finanziellen Aspekte der Website. IMA hat die erste Zahlung an Amazon Web Services für August geleistet und wird weiterhin die Betriebskosten zahlen, um sicherzustellen, dass die Website ohne Unterbrechung läuft. Dies ist eine große Errungenschaft im Übergang von Ipernity S.A. zu IMA.
Allerdings müssen technische Probleme wie Erneuerungsoptionen aufgrund von Software- / Codierungsproblemen noch gelöst werden. An diesen Fragen wird derzeit mit dem Ziel, eine schnelle Lösung zu finden, gearbeitet.
Sobald die Zahlungsprobleme gelöst sind, werden wir folgende Abonnementoptionen anbieten:
· Abonnement für 1 Jahr: $ 49,99 oder Euro- / GB Pfund-Äquivalent
· Abonnement für 6 Monate: $ 27,50 oder Euro- / GB Pfund-Äquivalent
· Test Abonnement: Wir bieten ein kostenloses Test-Abo auf 3 Monate ausschließlich für neue Mitglieder an. Der Account wird nach Ablauf von 3 Monaten deaktiviert, kann aber reaktiviert werden, wenn wenn innerhalb eines Zeitraums von 3 Monaten ein Abonnement abgeschlossen und gezahlt wird. Nach diesem Zeitraum werden das Konto und der gesamte Inhalt endgültig gelöscht.
Für die bestehenden Abonnements gelten folgende Regeln:
· Abonnements, die ab 2. Mai 2017 auf Basis der neuen Preise abgeschlossen wurden, behalten für die abgeschlossene Laufzeit Gültigkeit.
· Abonnements, die vor dem 2. Mai 2017 abgeschlossen wurden, werden storniert: Ihr Ipernity-Club-Status wird gekündigt und sie werden zu einem kostenlosen Test-Abo (siehe unten). Es wird eine Nachfrist von einem Monat geben, um diese Abonnements zu erneuern.
Diese Nachfrist betrifft auch bestehende kostenlose Test-Abos, die vor der Umsetzung und Anwendung der neuen Abo-Regelungen abgeschlossen wurden.
Findet kein Abo-Abschluss bzw. keine Erneuerung eines Abos innerhalb der einmonatigen Nachfrist statt, führt dies zur Deaktivierung des Accounts. Nach 3 Monaten wird der Inhalt endgültig gelöscht.
~~~ Das nächste Bulletin wird veröffentlicht, sobald die technischen Probleme mit Zahlungen gelöst sind und Abonnements abgeschlossen werden können.
BITTE BEACHTEN SIE: Wir sind derzeit nicht in der Lage, auf der Webseite andere Dienste wie z.B. Spam-Entfernung, Explore-Updates etc. zu leisten. Das wird später kommen.
Im Auftrag von IMA,
Eric und William
The 1st September IMA announcement is also published on the Team Ip Blog, here :-
and repeated here below
= EN=
Dear Members,
We are thrilled to announce that we are about to take the last steps of IMA's take-over of the Ipernity platform and service. IMA is now handling the financial aspects of the site. IMA made the first payment to Amazon Web Services for August and will continue to pay the operating costs to ensure the site runs without interruption. This is a major accomplishment in the transition from Ipernity S.A. to IMA.
However, technical issues such as renewal options still need to be resolved due to software/coding issues. These issues are currently being addressed with the objective of a quick resolution.
When the payment issues are resolved, we will be offering the following subscription options:
· 1 year subscription: $49.99 / or Euro /GB pounds equivalent
· 6 months subscription: $27.50 / or Euro /GB pounds equivalent
· Trial account: We offer a free account limited to 3 months for new members only. This account will be deactivated but may be recovered if a subscription is paid within a 3-months period. After this period, the account and all content will be permanently deleted.
For the existing subscriptions the following rules will be applied:
· Subscriptions dated 2nd May 2017 and afterwards using the new rates are maintained until their term.
· Subscriptions dated before 2nd of May 2017 are cancelled: their Ipernity “club” status is removed and they become the equivalent of a free account (see below). There will be a grace period of one month to renew these subscriptions. This grace period also includes existing free accounts created before the implementation and the application of the new subscription rules.
Failure to subscribe or renew an expired subscription within the one-month grace period will result in account deactivation. After 3 months all content will be permanently deleted.
The next bulletin will come when the payment issues are resolved and Subscriptions can be made.
PLEASE NOTE: We are not able at this point to do other things on site yet such as Spam removal, Explore Updates, etc. That will come later on.
On behalf of IMA, Eric and William
= FR =
Chers membres,
Nous sommes ravis de vous annoncer que nous sommes sur le point de réaliser la prise en charge complète par l'IMA de la plate-forme et du service Ipernity. l'IMA contrôle désormais les aspects financiers de la gestion du site. Elle a effectué le premier paiement auprès des services Web d'Amazon (AWS) pour le mois d'août et assurera le paiement des coûts d'exploitation à venir pour garantir que le site fonctionne sans interruption. Il s'agit donc une avancée majeure dans la transition entre Ipernity S.A. et l'IMA.
Cependant certains aspects techniques tels que la mise en place des nouvelles options d'abonnements, décrites ci-dessous, ne sont pas encore résolus en terme d'implémentation logicielle. Ce travail est en cours, avec l'objectif d'une résolution rapide.
Dès que ces problèmes relatifs aux inscriptions seront résolus, nous proposerons les options d'abonnements suivantes :
· Abonnement de 1 an : 49,99 $ ou équivalent en Euros/Livres Sterling
· Souscription de 6 mois : 27,50 $ ou équivalent en Euros/Livres Sterling
· Abonnement découverte : nous offrons un compte illimité gratuit restreint à 3 mois, pour les nouveaux membres uniquement. Ce compte sera désactivé au bout de 3 mois mais pourra être récupéré si un abonnement est souscrit dans un délai de 3 mois suivant cette désactivation. Après ce délai, le compte et tout son contenu seront définitivement supprimés.
Pour les abonnements en cours, les règles suivantes seront appliquées :
· Les abonnements postérieurs au 1er Mai 2017 (à partir donc de la mise en place des derniers tarifs) sont maintenus jusqu'à leur terme.
· Les abonnements antérieurs au 2 Mai 2017 sont annulés : leur statut de "Club" d'Ipernity est annulé et ils deviennent l'équivalent d'un compte gratuit (voir ci-dessous). Un délai de grâce d'un mois est concédé pour le renouvellement de ces abonnements.
La période de grâce concerne également les comptes gratuits créés avant l'application effective des nouvelles règles d'abonnement.
Le défaut d'abonnement ou de renouvellement d'abonnement à l'issue du délai de grâce d'un mois entraînera la désactivation du compte. Après 3 mois sans réabonnement, tout le contenu sera définitivement supprimé.
~~~ Notre prochain bulletin sera publié dès la résolution des difficultés de mise en place des nouvelles règles mentionnées ci-dessus, c'est à dire dès que les nouveaux abonnements pourront être souscrits.
VEUILLEZ NOTER que nous ne sommes pas, à ce stade, en position de prendre en charge d'autres fonctions sur le site, notamment la suppression des SPAMs, la mise à jour d' "Explorer" (Explore), qui sont du ressort du Modérateur. Cela sera également mis en place dès la résolution des derniers problèmes techniques.
Au nom de l'IMA, Eric et William
= DE =
Liebe Mitglieder,
Wir sind begeistert, mitteilen zu können, dass wir dabei sind, die letzten Schritte der Übernahme der Ipernity Plattform und Services durch IMA zu vollenden. IMA kontrolliert nun die finanziellen Aspekte der Website. IMA hat die erste Zahlung an Amazon Web Services für August geleistet und wird weiterhin die Betriebskosten zahlen, um sicherzustellen, dass die Website ohne Unterbrechung läuft. Dies ist eine große Errungenschaft im Übergang von Ipernity S.A. zu IMA.
Allerdings müssen technische Probleme wie Erneuerungsoptionen aufgrund von Software- / Codierungsproblemen noch gelöst werden. An diesen Fragen wird derzeit mit dem Ziel, eine schnelle Lösung zu finden, gearbeitet.
Sobald die Zahlungsprobleme gelöst sind, werden wir folgende Abonnementoptionen anbieten:
· Abonnement für 1 Jahr: $ 49,99 oder Euro- / GB Pfund-Äquivalent
· Abonnement für 6 Monate: $ 27,50 oder Euro- / GB Pfund-Äquivalent
· Test Abonnement: Wir bieten ein kostenloses Test-Abo auf 3 Monate ausschließlich für neue Mitglieder an. Der Account wird nach Ablauf von 3 Monaten deaktiviert, kann aber reaktiviert werden, wenn wenn innerhalb eines Zeitraums von 3 Monaten ein Abonnement abgeschlossen und gezahlt wird. Nach diesem Zeitraum werden das Konto und der gesamte Inhalt endgültig gelöscht.
Für die bestehenden Abonnements gelten folgende Regeln:
· Abonnements, die ab 2. Mai 2017 auf Basis der neuen Preise abgeschlossen wurden, behalten für die abgeschlossene Laufzeit Gültigkeit.
· Abonnements, die vor dem 2. Mai 2017 abgeschlossen wurden, werden storniert: Ihr Ipernity-Club-Status wird gekündigt und sie werden zu einem kostenlosen Test-Abo (siehe unten). Es wird eine Nachfrist von einem Monat geben, um diese Abonnements zu erneuern.
Diese Nachfrist betrifft auch bestehende kostenlose Test-Abos, die vor der Umsetzung und Anwendung der neuen Abo-Regelungen abgeschlossen wurden.
Findet kein Abo-Abschluss bzw. keine Erneuerung eines Abos innerhalb der einmonatigen Nachfrist statt, führt dies zur Deaktivierung des Accounts. Nach 3 Monaten wird der Inhalt endgültig gelöscht.
~~~ Das nächste Bulletin wird veröffentlicht, sobald die technischen Probleme mit Zahlungen gelöst sind und Abonnements abgeschlossen werden können.
BITTE BEACHTEN SIE: Wir sind derzeit nicht in der Lage, auf der Webseite andere Dienste wie z.B. Spam-Entfernung, Explore-Updates etc. zu leisten. Das wird später kommen.
Im Auftrag von IMA,
Eric und William
The topic of this discussion has been edited by Pam J 13 months ago.
This discussion has been closed by %name%.
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Colin Ashcroft clubGot this Mail from IP/Sa today
Hello Tess Mc Kenna,
You are one of our most loyal customers and for this we thank you.
Your subscription to the ipernity Club expires in 30 days.
We suggest you renew your subscription now to get your exclusive advantages back: Unlimited uploads, HD video, Ad free and availability and download of all your content
So IP is still trying to rake in subscription fees. My answer "On your bike IP" Will wait to renew with IMA
Jaap van 't Veen club has replied to Treasa Ui CionaodhaM♥rJ Photogr♥phy !!… club has replied to Treasa Ui CionaodhaTreasa Ui Cionaodha has replied to Jaap van 't Veen clubautofantasia club has replied to Treasa Ui Cionaodharaingirl club has replied to Treasa Ui Cionaodharaingirl club has replied to autofantasia clubI know how 'behind-the-scenes' is not usually noticed.
Pam J club has replied to Jaap van 't Veen clubWhen we have the process resolved and functioning we will do another post... and all the info you will need to renew will be in it
hope this helps
Eric Desjours club has replied to Pam J clubJaap van 't Veen club has replied to Pam J clubOMG not here too! This is an affront against IP-Members intelligence ;-(
I'll make a donation of 0.01$ ;-)
Pam J club has replied to Be◉bachter clubWhy shocked ???
This has been discussed and posted a zillion times over the past EIGHT months...
Nothing surprising about it at all...not at least unless you simply havent followed anything about anything .
The only 'affront" to any intelligent person is that there are people who think the site runs for free.. and that Amazon charge zero for the cloud storage ... or Google... or Pay Pal.... and that only happens in ones dreams.
Or of course there is that the IMA dreamed it all up on a drunk Saturday night and jotted it down on a crisp packet a day ago... never mind the intensive EIGHT months we have put into this and will continue to do so despite having real lives in a real world where most things cost money
franco benf club has replied to Pam J club1 year subscription: $ 49.99 / or Euro / GB pounds equivalent .... ($ dollars)
instead ipernity says ...
Subscription for 12 months at the ipernity Club
49.99 € (€ euro)
I do not think the same thing
For free ? That's not my point.
For me is fifty $ is 50,00$ and not 49,99$. When "you" mean 50 write 50.
It's not fourtysomething , it is 50!
I noticed ;-))
Pam J club has replied to Be◉bachter clubI well remember the time in England years ago when stuff like furniture etc was priced in Guineas (yes... before decimalization !) So.. a Guinea was 21 shillings... but a Pound was only 20 shillings.
59 Guineas always sounded better than £62 !!
It is pretty much Universal that the penny of 5 pennies and cent of 5 cents is not rounded up !!
Does it make for because we all understand....dont we !
Just to note...
do YOU ask for 1/10 of cent change for a gallon of petrol ? Notoriously always priced as
$2.49 9/10 !!!! Always 9/10s.. and no-one EVER comments.
Point made I think
raingirl club has replied to Be◉bachter clubAnd ha! Thanks for the 1 penny donation!!
I am actually going to suggest to the IMA that we set up a fund for donations to the site in general, and a fund for donations specifically to help people who can't afford membership.
Rrrolf club has replied to Be◉bachter clubBe◉bachter club has replied to Pam J clubBut Ipernity is on the run to get in members hand.
So why do we fool ourselves ...?
49.99 sound better than 50 ? Stupid - not in my ears.
Obviously most people have internalized this idiocy ...
Ok. point.
I hope the new subscription news will be a banner across the top of the page, not just in a news post.
Thank you again and again to everyone keeping this moving forward!!!!
Si vous avez besoin de modérateurs pour la suppression des spams qui polluent le site, je suis volontaire :-))
Pam J club has replied to Sylvain WiartVotre offre gentille est notée !
Jaap van 't Veen club has replied to Pam J clubPam J club has replied to Jaap van 't Veen clubNoted ...
We are not on to that just yet... need to get a few things sorted. But all offers are noted.. and we will be getting there.. but as the news says... not justttt yet !
Thankyou !
I say that not because I know anything about the legalities of French law, but I know morally at least this all feels so wrong. Just as it did when Christophe continued to ask existing members to extend their membership and encouraged new people to sign up despite the fact that he knew the site was on the verge of possible closure.
However, and I feel this is a big however, where would we all be if the group of people that have worked so hard over the last months to save the site had not taken up the challenge? I think we all know the answer, the site would have closed months ago and both your subscription as well as your stored images would be lost.
At least this way there is an opportunity for ipernity to continue in some form and I personally think we should be grateful for that.
I'm not saying we should forgive Ipernity SA for the part they've played in getting us to where we are or for basically taking money under false pretences, but please don't try to hold the founders of the IMA accountable for that.
They are guilty of nothing other than trying to save a great site that, but for them would have gone the way of panoramio and fotoblur many, many months ago. Yes, they may have not have gone about it as you or I might have, but then again neither you nor I were able/willing to take on the challenge.
Okay, communication has been poor at times and they've appeared to be rather blinkered in their thinking, but I don't believe that's been done with any malice or intent to mislead. I genuinely believe they are only doing this because they love ipernity and want it to survive.
So, I say to you and others in your situation, please give the IMA founders a break at least in this instance and give the site a chance to not only survive, but to flourish. Put your 'lost' subscription down to experience or try to see it as being you making a contribution that helped keep the site going until a deal with the IMA could be struck.
However you choose to view it and regardless of whatever actions you may decide to take nothing is going to get you that money back. It is gone, spent by Ipernity SA trying to keep their sinking ship afloat.
And remember none of that money has been passed to the IMA, which is why they've taken the decision rightly or wrongly that everyone will need to pay their way as the 'new' ipernity struggles to establish itself.
Okay, perhaps there might have been another way. Perhaps it would have been better to say to people in your position that although they were willing to 'honour' previously paid for subscriptions it would put the site under huge financial strain and so they might have asked people to consider making a donation to the value of the outstanding subscription period to the crowdfunding.
I'm sure most people faced with that choice would pay 'again' if they were financially able to do so whereas those that genuinely could not afford to do so would lose nothing.
But then again for all we know the IMA has already considered that and dismissed it for whatever reason?
Old Owl club has replied to autofantasia clubFotopic (probably one of the first photo-sharing sites) died in part because large numbers of its users wanted something for nothing.
Treasa Ui Cionaodha has replied to autofantasia club1) IMA is not responsible on decisions made by former Ipernity S.A.
2) Loyal members/users/customers are not only those who have been using this service longer than others, nor it is just those who happen to pay the long term subscriptions before takeover. Loyal members are all those who decided to support IMA on this takeover.
3) IMA is not just some limited group of founders who did their best to save this service, but IMA is all those members/customers/users who decided to support the takeover.
4) Many users generously supported the takeover in form of crowdfunding, well knowing it would not put them in any sort of special status. They also now have to pay for the service just as all others. In other words, they paid extra on behalf of others to keep the service running.
5) Those who paid long term subscriptions to Ipernity have already got somewhat half year extra to use the service. Without IMA the service would have been closed long time ago.
Clint has replied to Sami Serola (inactiv… clubI think this is one of the big surprises the IMA is about to face. While the IMA and many of the people commenting on these threads have been living very closely to this situation for nearly a year, there are a lot of people out there who have no idea. Or at least, you'd better hope there are. The number of unique voices in any of these threads scattered all over the site over the last year has been fairly small. I haven't counted, but I'd estimate something right around a hundred. That means (again, hopefully) that there are a lot of folks who've said nothing anywhere. And I'd hazard that most of these folks haven't heard anything about anything. And when you consider the disjointed nature of the communication and the fact that there's been almost no universal communication with the site as a whole (a site-wide email has still never happened), I'm not surprised a lot of people are still in the dark.
The IMA has to hope two things, then: One, that there are, in fact, a lot of people out there still in the dark, and two, that most of these people are willing to go with the IMA plan.
ୱ Kiezkickerde ( ͡°… club has replied to ClintLet´s see...
There are emails telling what´s going on on this site.
There was an display at your ipernity homepage telling whats going on and asking for a survey
There are several postings in team blog over the last year
There are many photos with descriptions telling and discussing about the status of this site
You must have lived in a big bubble if you haven´t heard anything about the status of this page and the fact it would be closing in Januar 2017 - and since then over a long period.
Heidiho club has replied to Sami Serola (inactiv… clubClint has replied to ୱ Kiezkickerde ( ͡°… clubLet's see...
There's never been a universal email to all Ipernity users. There have circles of emails some people have sent to their contacts, but that won't reach everybody.
The display about the survey was well before anything like a plan started to emerge.
Not everybody looks at or cares about the team blog.
All the photos and descriptions to which you refer are on the specific pages of specific people, and are only likely to be noticed by those people's contacts. There are lots of people outside those circles ... or again, the IMA better hope there are.
Again, while all this may have been obvious to you thanks to the way you've used the site, there are lots of people who use the site in different ways for different purposes. One of the bigger challenges the IMA is going to face is imagining that there might be people out there who have different habits and motivations, and continuing to make the site valuable for them.
The IMA does have the ability to test this, of course. Despite their odd dependence (still) on Mr. Ruelle to do something with the payment system, they supposedly have all the codes and passwords. They could easily send out a universal email to all users detailing the things everybody in a different bubble than the people on this thread. Then they could see what the real response might be.
Marko Novosel club has replied to ClintI paid into the crowdfunding effort. I will pay again for a subscription. If another round of crowdfunding is needed, I will likely pay that too. For $5.99 a month I can buy a "PRO" account on flickr. That's what, $71 a year? Just to get the word pro attached to my screen name?
The ability to post complaints here about what you have spent or will have to spend again is through the generosity of crowdfunding and the time and effort of IMA.
Ipernity is still up and running because of IMA. A simple thank you is more in order than endless rants about what could have happened and didn't.
Thank you IMA.
Heidiho club has replied to mapgraphs clubWe all have lives off this screen,if we dont succeed nothing crazy will happen,there are a couple of places we can go,wordpress is also very simple,making your own place on the internet costs 50$ a year.
But this is a challenge,our niche is 30+,we cant count on kids,they dont think about photography.
It will be a rollercoaster but we need to take an effort,if flickr goes down next year and this is not a fantasy,its a dead site,if i was a corporation i would quit it right away,is an image dumpster,imagine the influx of new members who will pay for the service.
Peggy C club has replied to Marko Novosel clubWell put.. .. very well said ..
We will never know if we could make it work or not .. if we don't try -
What could have happened if we did try .....
Either way. we will know --
But trying as a community, then we will be stronger together and maybe.. just maybe it WILL WORK..
Am in .. will be in .. regardless of some who show up once in awhile to see if we are still here ..
Guess what ?
We ARE ..
Peace and Luck to wherever your feet cross the threshold,
Heidiho club has replied to Peggy C clubOne step at a time... this is a way to start. Once IMA has settled in and is managing the bills and the site from day to day, we can worry again about some of these problems and try to make things better. If family and friends cannot have free accounts for a while, they can still see your photos, they just can't comment. Restricting the view to family and friends is definitely a real problem but that does not mean it will not be solved ever... some kind of limited free account might work, but let's get the handoff finished first!
I'm a little worried about the groups. Already there are groups with administrators who still have accounts but are no longer active at Ipernity. What happens to a group when the administrator's account is deactivated?
Pam J club has replied to Ned clubGetting the handover done is vital. When its done.. when the ship is on an even keel there are problems that can be reassessed and revisited.
As to what happens in a group . As far as I an aware.. the "adminship" gets passed to the next person longest in the group.. and so on down the line.
Ned club has replied to Pam J clubDavid Michael club has replied to Pam J clubPam J
and in the Blog here