Group: The Alentejo

Tiles panel.

Pillory and Town Hall.

Pillory and Caldeira Castel-Branco Palace.

Church of Mercy (17th century).

Saint Sebastian Chapel.

Mother Church of Our Lady of Conception.

The view from Castle's Viewpoint.

One section of the castle's wall.

The walls of Crato Castle.

Crato Castle.

Alcácer do Sal, Portugal HFF

Alcácer do Sal, Portugal

Alcácer do Sal, Portugal

View to River Sado and the town.

Sculpture of Roman Emperor Claudius' head.

Shrine of the Lord of the Martyrs.

Talha Fountain (Roman, 1st century).

Public washhouse.

New Fountain.

Saint Anthony Convent.

Door of the medieval Chapel of Consolation.

Christmas market.

Church of Mercy.

Christmas lights on Sado riverside.

Drawbridge for road traffic (1945).