Group: The Alentejo

Street art, by Vhils.

Street art, by Vhils.

Street art, by Vhils.

Legal Door of Alandroal Castle.

A view to the castle.


Arrabalde Door.

Church of Mercy.

Mother Church inside Alandroal Castle.

House in very good condition.

Church and Convent of the Holy Cross.

House of the late poetess Florbela Espanca.

Church of Saint John the Evangelist.

Opel Rekord 1964.

Mother Church of Our Lady of Conception.

Tomb of the poetess Florbela Espanca.

Cemetery (1830).

Bust of the poetess Florbela Espanca.

Pillory and castle.

Ornate door.

Mural of Florbela Espanca.

Parrot sculpture in marble.

Tiles panel.

Door of the Knots.

Cloister of the former Convent of Christ Wounds.