Group: AbsOrbedAI

how to make an orb

Shuttering Yukon
23 Feb 2016 - 3 comments - 58 visits- Permalink   |   Translate title into English

I am sure if you are part of this group you know this.. but for newbies here ya go

How To Create An Orb

Creating an orb is not difficult. Simply follow these steps in Photoshop:

Open your image. Make sure it is a single layer.

Crop the image into a square. This is a must for a circular orb. If not cropped into a square, an oval will be produced rather than an orb.

From the Filter Menu at the top of the screen, select Filter>Distort>Polar Coordinates>Polar to Rectangular.

Next, from the Image Menu at the top of the screen, select Image>Rotate>Flip Vertical

Now return to the Filter Menu at the top of the screen and select Filter>Distort>Polar Coordinates>Rectangular to Polar.

there you have created an orb!


In photo editing software: (Photo Shop elements)

Start with a square-cropped image

Under the "Filters" menu, select "Distort" then select "Polar Coordinates." and the "Convert Polar to Rectangle" option

Flip the distorted image (180˚) to bring it back right side up. Again, go under the "Filters" menu, and select "Distort" then select "Polar Coordinates." this time use the "Convert Rectangle to Polar" option.

The topic of this discussion has been edited by Shuttering Yukon 9 years ago.

 Pam J
Pam J club
Just a Note.... you dont have to have a squared image..... you just RESIZE the finished orb to a squared size.

Image//Resize//Image size

Also.... if you want to go one stage further and put your Orb onto a different background....

To do this...

Have your squared photo

Go to Filter>>Distort>>Spherize (set at 100% and Normal) Apply

Duplicate your file

Once it has done that use Cookie Cutter Tool as a circle to cut out the sphere on the Duplicate.

On the original go to

Filter>> Texture>> Craquelure>> Apply

(You may have to resize the effects)

Also.. you can use any texture you want or any photo you want

Now drop the duplicate Sphere onto the original file.... Apply "Soft Edge"

The variations are endless ! You can cut out the Polar Circles the same way and put them on a textured background too
9 years ago. Edited 9 years ago.
Shuttering Yukon has replied to Pam J club
thank you i was looking for those instructions.
9 years ago.
Pam J club has replied to Shuttering Yukon
LOL... I wrote them ... I have millions of "How to's" !!!
9 years ago.

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