Group: Crazy pics and open mind

colorzebra (Equus zebrarossoblui)

Dogs and furniture ....

Ici, c'est pepsi et pipi !!

Panneau de direction pour les oiseaux qui savent l…


alone in the evening

behind the ladder

Vol de héron

jacket in a mirror

Vibernum Flowerhead

Old 1985 UMM with dinosaur cubs.

Noel avec Humour,,,

Volkswagen (2017) - van of Dino Park.

Rudimentaire et sans papier cul !! / Rudimentary a…

Octopus on top of house.

Couple of puppets sitting on a bench.

Couple of puppets sitting on the couch.

Puppet at table.

Scene of yesteryear with puppets.

Rustiquement vôtre....

Le couloir infernal menant au trône..... / Railway…

Pour les urgences / Have a seat if you can !

A crazy Christmas crib.

Bass drum player.

metal trash