Group: Tamron SP 150-600mm F/5-6.3 Di VC USD

French Mans Peak

The Big ball and chain

Walking on water

Making the Best out of a flat day

The quick and the missed.

Red Eared Fire tail

Very Low water.

I lost my bike.

Tree and Apple rows.

Pick Up and Fly : Osprey

Ship in the mist

Osprey Hanging in the air

"Big" King Neptune

Willie Wag Tail

Reed Warbler

Clara has some competition - 28's

Blue Fairy Wren Male

Western Rosella

Ducks Leaving

If I stand still I will blend in with the reeds.

Black Cockatoo

Heavy crop of the moon

The Small Black Cap.

The Moon starting to show.

The Earths Shadow starting to pass

My First view of the Moon as It came out of the cl…