Group: CWP - Contest Without Prize


Rob Stamp
By A Rob Stamp club
24 Oct 2014 - 51 comments - 2 810 visits- Permalink   |   Translate title into English

I expect this group will be for general comments, and rules, (and first test run)
while each contest will be a new separate group, with a discussion opened for voting.
[edit: But gradually using up the free allowance of being a member of 100 groups is perhaps a problem, so there will only be this group, with each contest using a new discussion for description and voting]

My aim, to make it fun and easy, for players and moderators.

Those of you familiar with the NPC at Panoramio, will know of the Voting Machine that makes selecting and voting a bit easier.

Find the CWP version here, ipernity does restrict the sizes it can display, so I recommend taking a first look using the full size "lightbox" view, on the "Contributions" page, beside the options for small and medium.

The topic of this discussion has been edited by Rob Stamp 11 months ago.

51 comments - The latest ones
 Daniela Brocca
Daniela Brocca club
About the solitary tree, is it possible to use a single tree in the middle of houses? if not I'm afraid I will not have the photo for the game.I never liked the subject very much ;-)
10 years ago.
 Rob Stamp
Rob Stamp club
For this contest, solitary should be taken to simply mean, "alone from others of its own kind", without the aspect of also being remote from society and civilisation.
So a tree in the city centre, or back garden, is ok provided it does not have other trees nearby.
10 years ago. Edited 10 years ago.
 Daniela Brocca
Daniela Brocca club
Thank you. ;-)
10 years ago.
"Noting your voting selection will have to be with pen and paper."

can you please explain that?
10 years ago.
 Rob Stamp
Rob Stamp club
Thank you for your question, the rules cover how to submit a photo, and how to post a valid vote, but I have missed out any details on how to make your selection.

The voting machine is an application used for the Panoramio contests, to display the photos in random order, and as you view the photos, you can mark the ones you like.
After viewing all the photos, it is then easy to re-visit the selected ones, and refine your selection, if you have selected more than the required number.
It also produces the list of entry numbers in the correct format for the voting post - no pen and paper involved.

It cannot be adapted to work here, because of the limited access to the larger size images, required for proper appraisal of the photos.

While the photos can be viewed on the contribution pages, but when choosing which to vote for, surely not as thumbnails with the "Small" view option, even the three in a row at "Medium" size is advised against when needing to make proper judgements. So I hope people will use the slide show, "Lightbox view", to look at each photo, and thus the need to make a note of the entry numbers of the ones they like.

I suppose the simplest solution is to subsequently open each photo that is of interest, in a separate tab in your browser, and in that way be able to re-visit them, and decide on a final selection.
This can be done with right-clicks on the small or medium size images, but it is not an option from the full size images in the slideshow.

So "pen and paper" might be taken literally by some, but probably notes made in a computer document, which will then provide the text that can be copied into the voting post.
10 years ago.
OK, everything is clear now. Thanks.
10 years ago. Edited 10 years ago.
 Eunice Perkins
Eunice Perkins club
Hi Rob.

I'm having problems submitting my entry for February. CWP has disappeared off my groups list beside my photo. I see from the group front page that my photo is still there as a member. I am at a loss as to what to do. Can you help?

10 years ago.
 Daniela Brocca
Daniela Brocca club
Please try again, Eunice
10 years ago.
Chris10 club
This are the boats I would like to see Rob. There are for now already so much different beauties, wow....

Greetz, Christien.
10 years ago.
 Daniela Brocca
Daniela Brocca club
As it seems the photo 27 has been deleted. It would be good not to do anything once we begin with the voting time. It seems the photo had no votes, but in case I don't know what problem we could have with the counting tool that Rob programmed for us. so please don't delete photos from the game. Thanks
10 years ago.
 Daniela Brocca
Daniela Brocca club
Here we have the new theme for CWP of April by brunosma

Out of a window - (2015/04 CWP)
A photo taken out of a window, with or without glasses where any subject may appear, with the requirement to show the frame or columns that surround it.
For how to play, please see the discussions "Rules" and "Questions and Answers".

Submit your photo from 08:00 April 1st, until 22:00 April 11th.
Voting will be from 22:00 April 11th, until 22:00 April 21st.
Times are based on London.
9 years ago. Edited 9 years ago.
 Steve Paxton
Steve Paxton club
how about natures window eg new shot
9 years ago.
 Daniela Brocca
Daniela Brocca club
What do you mean with nature window, Steve? Juleann, out of a window is from the inside looking out.
9 years ago.
 Steve Paxton
Steve Paxton club
Daniela as i dont know how to add a link in the conversation. have a look at my new photo on ipernity. that is natures window.
9 years ago.
Daniela Brocca club has replied to Steve Paxton club
I see. No, I don't think that it was Bruno means. Explication is very simple and we would only confuse people and things. And a photo out of a window is not difficult to take, you can do it tomorrow, if you want. Only requirement that part of the window is on the photo.
9 years ago.
 Daniela Brocca
Daniela Brocca club
It would be good if each participant put the number in front of the title of his photo!!! It doesn't seems possible to be made by the moderators.
9 years ago.
 franco benf
franco benf club
13 marzo 2016 -
Muchas gracias por la invitación, así que ahí va mi contribución. Saludos.

franco benf
Muchas gracias, Bienvenida a este grupo -CWP-(concurso sin premio)

Welcome to all newcomers
8 years ago. Edited 8 years ago.
Gudrun club
I cannot submit an entry (and I suppose many others cannot either).
"Sie können momentan keine Fotos zur Gruppe Contest Without Prize (2016/04)The dispute of elements hinzufügen. (Sie haben die Höchstzahl erlaubter Beiträge dieser Gruppe erreicht)"

If you restrict uploading to one photo per month, the month is always counted from the day of your last entry into the group and not from 1st to last day of the calender month. That means if you've entered a photo on the 15th of the month before, you won't be able to enter another photo for the first half of the current month....

Maybe you could change the limit to two photos enabling everybody to enter now without waiting the full month?
8 years ago. Edited 8 years ago.
Daniela Brocca club has replied to Gudrun club
Jetzt hab ich zu 2 per Monat gewechselt, aber es ist ein bisschen merwürdig, da wir am 2.en April sind.
8 years ago.
Gudrun club has replied to Daniela Brocca club
Danke, Dany! Der Zähler für die Beiträge geht grundsätzlich ab dem Tag, wo man ein Bild in die Gruppe gestellt hat- ab da zählt es dann einen Monat, auch über den Monatswechsel hinaus!

Mir wäre es im Prinzip egal, wenn ich noch eine Woche warten müsste, um ein Foto in die Gruppe zu stellen, aber manche Teilnehmer würden dann wohl aufgeben bzw. sich benachteiligt fühlen, weil bei Punkte-Gleichstand ja das Einstelldatum zählt;-)
8 years ago.
Daniela Brocca club has replied to Gudrun club
Ah, siehst du, das hatte ich nie richtig verstanden, ich wusste dass wir immer 2 per Monat hatten, und hoffte dass niemand daran dachte einen zweiten Foto hinzufügen.
8 years ago.
 franco benf
franco benf club
Congratulations to the winner (CWP 2016/08)... but I must say that there are rules to this game.

step 5
b) as a reward, the winner can choose the next topic, but it can also pass this option to the next in the standings.

Do not follow these rules can lead to the exclusion of your photos or your vote.
8 years ago.
 Rob Stamp
Rob Stamp club
Announcing a revision to the game for next year.

This is the result of chats with franco who has been doing all the work of running the game for two years.

The concept:
A player may enter two photos, one in the first week, the second before the close of entry phase.

One condition, the second photo is only allowed for players that voted in the previous contest, or a first time player.

The limitation for group contributions will be changed to “1 per week”.
Note that ipernity considers this a time interval, and not calendar weeks,
so adding a photo on Thursday will mean having to wait 7 days until the following Thursday, and not Monday or Tuesday of the following week.

Also, the first photo could be added as late as the 9th, and the second just in time on the 16th, but delaying longer, will mean you play with one photo.

Reason for change:
An incentive for everyone to vote, and some continued activity and interest in the second week, after the typical initial flurry of entries.

The incentive is further to the 1 bonus point for voting, while the idea of giving 2, was thought to perhaps distort the results.

I think this is a better idea than some severe penalty for not voting, and attempting to “force” people to vote would be a bad idea anyway.

If for whatever reason a player fails to vote, the game for them is much the same as before.

For the keen players, there is more interest, filling that dead period between an early entry, and waiting to vote.

For everyone, more pictures to enjoy looking at, and with the voting machine hopefully making the selection process less arduous with the increased number of photos.
8 years ago.
Chris10 club
I understand the revision idea and think it's a good one!
Hope the subject's are not as difficult that it gives me one to upload :-)

Greetz, Christien.
8 years ago.
 franco benf
franco benf club
Ciao Daniela, io credo che dobbiamo ritenersi soddisfatti per l'andamento di questo gruppo dal momento che ci sono ogni mese tantissime belle foto e come ha detto Rob ,è un gioco per divertimento, ops,magari un po più difficile da controllare,dopotutto non è un obbligo e solo un'opzione per chi magari trova una foto migliore
8 years ago.
 Adriana A
Adriana A
Andiamo bene! non avevo neanche capito che bisognava mettere una foto a settimana.Anch'io se è così rinuncio. Fate sapere (in italiano possibilmente perchè col traduttore certe volte si capisce ancora meno) ciao Adriana
8 years ago.
franco benf club has replied to Adriana A
Non c'è bisogno di "rinunciare" e lasciare, in un certo senso, si può semplicemente ignorare la nuova regola.
Aggiungere una foto in qualsiasi momento durante i 16 giorni, come si fa ora.
ciao franco
8 years ago.
 Adriana A
Adriana A
Grazie. Adriana
8 years ago.
 Rob Stamp
Rob Stamp club
As it is said, "Due to circumstances beyond our control...", so we play with the new rule this month.
My impression, from the fact that the feedback was very limited, is that most of you think, "It might work, who knows unless we try it."
If you voted in November, you may enter two photos this month. Beware not to delay your first entry, because the second will not be possible until at least 7 days later, due to the limit for the group, now set at 1 photo per week
If you did not vote, well it only takes one photo to win, so please do not be grumpy, instead show us your best.
8 years ago.
 Rob Stamp
Rob Stamp club
Regarding the bonus point for voting.
For those players who have entered two photos, 15 of 38 at the moment, the bonus point they receive for voting, will only be awarded to the higher scoring photo (or the first entry if equal scores). This felt like the fair thing to do, but was also decided on after checking the effect the rule would have on past SPC results, where players have the option of entering 3 photos.
8 years ago.
 aNNa schramm
aNNa schramm club
Es ist keine gute Sache, daß mehrere Bilder von einem Autor eingesandt werden können !!!!! Es sollte weiterhin daruf geachtet werden daß wirklich nur 1 (ein) Foto eingesandt zum Kontest eingesandt wird !!!!!

aus den Regeln !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Termine: Monatlich an festem Datum jedoch zu variabler Uhrzeit (je nach lokaler Zeit beim Moderator).
Fotos: Die Teilnehmer reichen ein Foto passend zum Thema des Wettbewerbs ein.
8 years ago.
 franco benf
franco benf club
Of course it always difficult to find the best changes to existing rules, but as stated above the new rules are not a requirement for participation, you can ignore, no obligation
Evaluating; last month he won _ Virginijus Dadurkevi ... _ participating with a photo only, this month won _ Paul Tanino _ participating with two pictures, I wonder if ipernity leaves us playing in February:::-))
8 years ago.
 Anne H
Anne H club
A stupid question maybe...
When a member participates with two photos, can you vote for these two, based on the principle that your votes goes to a picture and not to a person? I was about to give my vote to 2 pictures posted by the same person and refrained from doing so.
Sorry if I didn't read the rules carefully but I didn't manage to find the answer.
8 years ago. Edited 8 years ago.
franco benf club has replied to Anne H club
It seems to me that you have expressed the answer to your question, the vote must be expressed to the photos , regardless of their author
Only voters who participate with two photos, only 1 point bonus, and goes to the picture with most votes
greetings franco
8 years ago.
 Rob Stamp
Rob Stamp club
Giancarlo Ticozzi has done an excellent job of finding a new theme to test our abilities.

“Through a hole” is actually a broader subject than “Windows” alone would be, and if the contest this time requires some artist work by the photographer, that is a good thing.

The off-topic “restrictions” are perfectly acceptable as clarifying the range of the theme, while the theme remains broad.
7 years ago.
 Rob Stamp
Rob Stamp club
I am happy to know ipernity lives on, and that we have a CWP next month, and with this new era, I introduce the following change.
Please be aware for the next contest, do NOT add #xx to your photo titles.

All the photos will be numbered automatically, which means you avoid the extra effort, and the moderators no longer need to request corrections, often due to the delay between you “adding” the photo, and it being approved to appear in the group.

This means that viewing the photos in the contributions tab in the group, willl not give you the entry #.
So if you use the lightbox for a full size look at each photo first, just rely on recalling the ones you liked, when you see them again as smaller versions.

For voting, for those not using the Voting Machine, demo here, thumbnail photos will be shown, with the numbers, in the contest discussion thread,
such as this.
7 years ago.
 Rob Stamp
Rob Stamp club
It is good to see that some players go and find a photo in a non-member's gallery, to suggest including it in the contest, and hopefully add to our numbers.

But it can happen that the person simply clicks "add" to agree to adding the photo, without joining the group, even when indicated in the comment under the photo.

I suspect, that to different CWP players, in varying intensity, it is annoying, when the winner is not a member, and did not vote.

It should be considered that the problem is with the system that allowed it, and not the fault of the winner.

Rule 2a does say, "First, of course, you will have to join the group."

Therefore, the setting for the group has been changed from, allowing all members to suggest adding content to the group, to only administrators and moderators.

So please continue to find suitable photos outside the group members, and encourage them to join and participate, via comments under the photo.
7 years ago.
 Adriana A
Adriana A
Scusate, forse è il caso di cambiare il regolamento anticipando di un paio di giorni il tempo utile per caricare le foto. mi spiego. all'inizio del mese non c 'ero ed ho caricato la prima foto mercoledì scorso. oggi ho messo la seconda(bruttina in verità, ma non è questo il punto), ma nella pagina del gioco con le foto numerate non c'è.evidentemente il moderatore,non ha fatto in tempo a inserirla e dubito che ce la faccia. Poco male, però sarebbe meglio dire chiaramente che si possono inserire foto solo fino al giorno prima della scadenza e non l'ultimo. saluti a tutti
7 years ago.
 Adriana A
Adriana A
Ho visto che la foto é stata messa, grazie. continuo a pensare che sarebbe meglio anticipare, almeno per la seconda foto, per non far fare la maratona al moderatore.
7 years ago.
 franco benf
franco benf club
Ciao Adriana, non credo che cambiando le date le cose possono cambiare dal momento che è consentito caricare una foto a settimana, nel tuo caso Adriana avendo caricato la prima foto il giorno 09 dovevi aspettare 7 giorni perciò oggi 16/01 il programma di ipernity ti ha permesso di caricare la seconda foto ,come hai fatto ...
Grazie mille Adriana

Ora siamo nella fase di votazione ,vorrei ricordare che e possibile caricare la seconda foto solo se si ha votato il mese precedente
Un saluto a tutti
7 years ago.
 Adriana A
Adriana A
Ho capito, ma le foto vengono caricate automaticamente o qualcuno le deve caricare? Dicevo che in questo sarebbe meglio anticipare la seconda foto
7 years ago. Edited 7 years ago.
 franco benf
franco benf club
Ciao Adriana, le foto vengono caricare manualmente nelle discussioni mensili e nel Panoramio Games, grazie a un programma di Rob .
La seconda possibilità di caricamento e legata da l'impostazione di una settimana dalla prima foto (questa scelta viene fatta dai concorrenti)
Vorrei ringraziare tutti i partecipanti di questo mese
Un saluto a tutti
7 years ago.
 Giancarlo Ticozzi
Giancarlo Ticozzi
Ciao Adriana e... Tutti, non so se ciò che mi hai chiesto è relativo a questo, ma se lo fosse credo che qui ci siano già le risposte che aspettavi. Se le due foto devono essere caricate a distanza di una settimana, è logico che se lasci cadere la prima settimana, nella seconda poi non ti accetta più la seconda immagine. Questo è ciò che è successo a me la prima volta quando mi sono deciso a mettere due immagini. ;-))
Ciao a Tutti.
7 years ago.
 Adriana A
Adriana A
Questo l'ho capito, ma se la prima settimana uno mette la foto il pomeriggio dell'ultimo giorno possibile, poi la seconda la può mettere solo al pomeriggio dell'ultimo giorno e chi la deve caricare, deve stare su fino all'ultimo minuto per finire il lavoro come è successo per la mia foto. le regole non sono Vangelo; per rendere più facile il lavoro di chi deve caricare, basterebbe anticipare di un giorno la seconda, se invece di 7 giorni, ne passano 6, non credo succeda niente di grave....era solo un suggerimento.Comunque, contenti loro.... ciao e grazie.
7 years ago.
 franco benf
franco benf club
Ciao Adriana, diciamo che i giorni a disposizione sono 16, e cosi hai già due giorni in più per partecipare con la seconda foto, ma a parte questo il periodo settimanale è nel programma di Ipernity e non lo si può variare a nostro piacimento se non nelle modalità del sistema.
Come hai capito, non solo il giorno ma anche l'ora e presa in considerazione, per il resto nessun problema, diciamo che anche la chiusura delle votazioni viene fatta manualmente, perciò bisogna cercare di rendere il gioco il meno noioso possibile, piuttosto, un vero peccato che ci siano pochi voti a disposizione con tante belle foto in gioco.
Un saluto a tutti
7 years ago.
 Adriana A
Adriana A
Ora ho capito. Grazie
7 years ago.
 franco benf
franco benf club
test photo
You saw that it works. It could be an idea for SPC
6 years ago. Edited 6 years ago.
 Adriana A
Adriana A
Anche l'ora se non sbaglio, se la prima è tata caricata alla sera, la seconda non viene presa al mattino.
6 years ago.

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