Keyword: user
2019-05-17 Newsflash
[EN] Dear members and friends of ipernity! 1) On Wednesday our fundraising campaign for the reprogramming finished. Despite the dedicated participation of 75 club members, who contributed the majority of the funds, the result of 16,745 EUR (56%) stayed far below the required amount of 30,000 EUR. The ima team will now discuss how to proceed. 2) Unfortunately, the participation of "free" users was far below expectations. Nevertheless, we would like to thank all those who donated som…
2018-11-30 Newsflash
[EN] Dear members and friends of ipernity! 1. Tomorrow the meteorological winter begins. Therefore we have switched the ipernity front page to "winter operation". Once again, we would like to thank the photographers who contributed with their pictures to create a versatile collection. 2. In order to disturb the ongoing operation as little as possible, the cleaning of the database was switched to individual account processing. To be on the safe side, each individual account history is…
Ipernity accounts 1, 2 + 3 + in total ~60 000 ☺ id passed 70 000
[ statisctic ] ► 1st account [Staff] → invalid like a lot of ids ? ► 2nd ► 3rd in total ~ 66000 - ~11000 =~ 55000 because some id´s (~11000 ) are groups the next milestones 70 000 +1 -1 (write an comment if there are news) the unanswered questions • what is an active account? • number of act…