Achilleion (Korfu)


 Janet Brien
Janet Brien club
I bet you have a glut of pictures that you could add to this folder but haven't been able to get back to processing them! I know the feeling...Steve and I went to Provence, France a few years back. Our trip was three weeks. I have processed exactly one day and the morning of the second day. LOL, oh well. For me, we had extreme problems with our relationship that exploded on that trip so I was reminded with every image how we were feeling at that time. Now...I can visit the pictures again, only...I don't have time! A torrential flood of pictures to process rain about me in bucket-loads!

About this selection...I loved your tiny glimpse of Corfu/Korfu...I just finished reading Gerold Durrell's "My Family and Other Animals", where his family moves from England to Corfu for a few years. I enjoyed the book so much and discovered a tv show and movies were made of this story, and all through the book I've looked up information about the island. It was fun to see the pictures you shared--I would love some day to visit myself and have a presentation to share!

Thanks for the pictures, they were great!
4 years ago.
uwschu club
Lieben Dank, Janet!
Wir haben uns einst in diese Insel verliebt und unsere Hochzeitsreise ging dorthin. Ich habe so schöne Erinnerungen, mit unseren großen Kindern war wir mittlerweile auch schon dort
Momentan können wir coronabedingt wenig reisen, aber wenn, dann fliegen wir wieder auf unsere Insel
4 years ago.

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