Young Visionary


Young Visionary

03 Jun 2010 5 2 891
On the edge of changing the world! Gay Pride Parade - June, 2005

Local Unwed Mother

26 Mar 2007 3 3 639
The number of unwed mothers has risen sharply in the U.S. The trend has unfolded despite decades of political and social hand-wringing.

The World is Not Enough

12 Nov 2010 25 7 1026
(Please "View on Black" for best effect)

The True Believer

16 Jun 2010 517
Religious devotee arriving at art fair. June, 2010

The Tragedy of Censorship II

The Tragedy of Censorship

The Prophet's Vision

10 Mar 2010 4 1 697
"A prophet is not without honor, except in his own country..."

The March of Elephants

The Evolution of Mammals

24 May 2010 2 1 342
Alternately, "In Anger, God Fashions the Orifice" (Please "View on Black" for best effect)

The Cruelty of Hindsight

The Catholic Church Policing Itself

10 May 2010 3 2 862 the splintered shards scatter and fall.

Losing My Religion

02 Feb 2010 6 1 705
"But that was just a dream That was just a dream Just a dream, just a dream Dream" - R.E.M.

Soldier of the Cross (Detail 1)

Smart-Ass Cameras

Self-Portrait - (Halloween Goodies XIV)

31 Oct 2010 4 3 641
As Linda Tripp (with Monica Lewinsky) - Halloween, 1998 (Please "View on Black" or larger sizes for best effect) Tripp's involvement in the Lewinsky scandal: Tripp became a close confidante of another former White House employee, Monica Lewinsky, while they both worked in the Pentagon's public affairs office. According to Tripp (who is about 24 years Lewinski's senior), they knew one another for a year and a half before the scandal began to reach its critical stage. After Lewinsky revealed to Tripp that she had been in a physical relationship with President Clinton, Tripp, acting on the advice of Lucianne Goldberg, began to secretly record phone conversations with Lewinsky while encouraging Lewinsky to document details of her relationship with the president. In January 1998, Tripp gave the surreptitiously recorded tapes to then-Independent Counsel Kenneth Starr in exchange for immunity from prosecution. Tripp disclosed to Starr that she was aware of the relationship between Lewinsky and President Clinton, that Lewinsky had executed a false affidavit denying the relationship that was submitted to the federal court in Arkansas in the Jones v. Clinton lawsuit, and that Lewinsky had attempted to suborn Tripp's perjury in the Jones v. Clinton suit to conceal the Clinton-Lewinsky relationship as well as Tripp's claim regarding Kathleen Willey from the federal court. As Tripp explained, she was being solicited to commit a crime to conceal evidence in the Jones civil rights case. Tripp also informed Starr of the existence of a navy blue dress that Lewinsky owned that was soiled with Clinton's semen. During their friendship, Lewinsky had shown the dress to Tripp and said she intended to have it dry-cleaned; Tripp convinced her not to. Based on Tripp's tapes, Starr obtained approval from Attorney General Janet Reno and the special court overseeing the Independent Counsel to expand Starr's investigation into the Clinton-Lewinsky relationship, looking for potential incidents of perjury, to investigate Lewinsky for perjury and suborning perjury as a witness in the lawsuit Paula Jones had brought against Clinton. While Tripp maintains she acted out of "patriotic duty," some Americans believe that she betrayed Lewinsky in the hopes of using her knowledge of the relationship to obtain a possible book or movie deal, neither of which has occurred to date. Tripp has claimed that she taped Lewinsky out of self-defense, as she feared retaliation from the Clinton Administration, also claiming Lewinsky had assured President Clinton that she had only told Tripp about their affair (which was untrue), thus making her a target as she refused to go along with perjuring herself to protect Lewinsky and the President. Eventually both Clinton and Lewinsky had to appear before a Washington, D.C. grand jury to answer questions, although Clinton appeared via closed circuit television. After the round of interrogation, the jurors offered Lewinsky the chance to offer any last words. "I hate Linda Tripp," she said.

Savage Love

Righteous Indignation

10 Jul 2009 2 474
Deleted once too many. July backlash series

Poetry in Motion

26 Jul 2010 1 420
Carnival patrons - June, 2010 (Please view in larger sizes for best effect)

123 items in total