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By trester88

45 favorites

HFF - Reparaturbedürftig

Ein Schiffswrack im Hafen von Douarnenez. Immerhin ist dieses Wrack noch schwimmfähig. Eine echte Herausforderung für Heimwerker ;-) Ich wünsche euch allen einen Happy Fence Friday und ein schönes Wochenende!

By Boarischa Krautmo

34 favorites

The Bark

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By Wierd Folkersma

29 favorites

in a deep deep forest .....

sculpture by Petri Kiviniemi SC104 - An object out of place please enlarge on black for a better view.

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By Chris Bowness

29 favorites

Loch Etive

I visited Loch Etive in Scotland and decided to walk along the western side for a while. Once the path stops it's not the easiest of walks. It was worth it though as I came across this tree. I was shooting into the light, but this was the composition that I wanted...

By uwschu

24 favorites


Nikon Z50 - Nikon Zfc - Nikon D7500 Nikon EM

By Werner K.

11 favorites

20100729 7006Mw [D~LIP] Edeldistel (Eryngium planum), Graue Fleischfliege, Bad Salzuflen

By Stephan Fey

74 favorites

HWW - Hamburg 2024

Habt einen schönen Tag

By Luis Miguel

34 favorites

Cabo de Gata

Practicando senderismo entre Agua Amarga y Las Negras.

By Uwe Sasse

16 favorites

Portrait eines alten Manns

(der einen Stuhl repariert) II
757 items in total