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By The Limbo Connection

15 favorites

Blue Jacket With A Yellow Button

I have discovered that the Fuji X-E1 struggles with accurate recording of blue colours. I don't recall this was always a fault. Maybe my X-E1 is too old. In addition, I am reminded of why the Nikkor-H 50mm f/2 lens (used to take this picture) enjoys such a good reputation even long after it has gone out of production.

By Kayleigh

21 favorites


This is powerful work with AI. It is inspired by Güni's The seed head of coltsfoot . The first step in AI was creating the blowball of a dandelion. The Second Step was to transform it into a Face that looked at me. The last Step gives it a soul with Light and makes an Art Masterpiece. It should give you the peace and stillness of nature. Nature is fragile like Souls. Please help to protect our Earth. Thanks for stopping by and have a nice Time. Sting - Fragile


19 favorites


By E. Adam G.

51 favorites

London Butlers Wharf

gleich dreimal Lenny: in der Luft - im Fenster - an der Wand.

By @ngélique ❤️

56 favorites

Bon mercredi mes ami(e)s ❤️

merci à vous de vos visites et comms************************TOUCHE Z SVP !

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By Dave Renfroe

11 favorites

MaryVine falls

Spring in the Sooke Hills, Vancouver Island, Canada

By Keith Burton

30 favorites

Feather on Aquilegia Seed Pods

I was poking around in the garden and found this tiny feather attached to these Aquilegia seed pods. I took it indoors to photograph.

By Christian H.

22 favorites

Ein Charakterkopf...

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By Stephan Fey

84 favorites

HFF - Rheinauhafen Köln

Unverkennbar an ihrer hafentypischen Kranform ziehen die Kranhäuser innerhalb des Rheinpanoramas alle Blicke auf sich. Die knapp 60 Meter hohen Gebäude, die luxuriöse Eigentumswohnungen und Bürokomplexe beherbergen, sind ein beliebtes Fotomotiv. Unvergesslich ist auch ein Spaziergang am Rhein direkt entlang des weiträumigen Gebäudekomplexes: Direkt an der Uferpromenade gibt es mehrere Galerien, Restaurants, Cafés und Bars, die zum Verweilen einladen. Besser in Groß - 1Pip
757 items in total