
Team club

Posted: 09 Dec 2017

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Homepage Redesign Study (2)

Homepage Redesign Study (2)
[EN] Revised version of with respect to all comments and suggestions for improvement. You're invitetd to mention further aspects, which have not yet been covered by the previous discussions.


[FR] Version révisée de en ce qui concerne tous les commentaires et suggestions d'amélioration. Vous êtes invité à mentionner d'autres aspects qui n'ont pas encore été couverts par les discussions précédentes.


[DE] Überarbeitete Version von unter Berücksichtigung aller Kommentare und Verbesserungsvorschläge. Ihr seid herzlich eingeladen, weitere Aspekte einzubringen, die in den vorhergehenden Diskussionen möglicherweise übersehen wurden.

, Stormlizard, diedje, Taormina and 30 other people have particularly liked this photo

45 comments - The latest ones
Gudrun club
Looks good to me, compliments and thank you!
7 years ago.
Xata club
Same remark as for the white background of our pages... IMHO and I know now that I am a minority, a medium grey would be more elegant and suitable for photo than this rough clinical white.
I prefer the previous version you proposed, no doubt it was more classy.
This one really disappoints me...
7 years ago. Edited 7 years ago.
Team club
Hi Xata!
I know your opinion. It's mine, too. But even as the creator of this redesign study and process leader I had to yield the majority. I did it with a heavy heart . . .
Bernhard (ima)
7 years ago. Edited 7 years ago.
Xata club has replied to Team club
It is difficult sometimes not to think as the majority...
7 years ago.
Jaap van 't Veen club has replied to Team club
Sincerely hope it will stay it is.
7 years ago.
 William Sutherland
William Sutherland club
Beautiful redesigned front page!

Admired in:
7 years ago.
 * ઇଓ *
* ઇଓ * club
Top, even though I would also prefer a medium grey background.
But one question. A three-month trial period, isn't that a little long? Normally, a maximum of 14 days is granted. My recommendation would therefore be a test period of no more than one month.
Anyway, a really great job, Bernhard. Many thanks to you and the IMA team!
7 years ago.
Team club has replied to * ઇଓ * club
Hi * ઇઉ * !
Let's focus on the design here and regard the "3 month" as a wildcard here. The membership differentiation is a very complex topic, which will be discussed separately next year.
Bernhard (ima)
7 years ago.
* ઇଓ * club has replied to Team club
Okay, thank you, Bernhard.
7 years ago.
dgmphoto club
Looks good to me. Thank you for all the time you are spending.
7 years ago.
Manu club
Almost there :-)

– 'news' and 'sign in' should not look like buttons, they are links. They could be styled like the 3 big links further down (light blue background with a darker shade)

– If there is a button next to the search field it should be called 'search'

– 'more than simply photo sharing...' -> what I'm reading is: it's not simple.
I can't come up with THE slogan right now, but I'm confident that somebody will.

"member owned" sounds too clumsy, but it's what makes ipernity special.

– Change 'Copyright: Leo W.' to '© Leo W.'

– I agree that the trial period should be shorter. 14 days, or maybe 1 month. Shorten the text to "Test all functions ..."?

– Membership: "Enjoy the complete offer" is not clear to me.

– I'd put more white space above the horizontal line at the bottom. Maybe the same distance as below the big photo?

Thank you everybody who is working for the future of ipernity <3

[The photo you are using is a bit wider than 1220x680]
7 years ago. Edited 7 years ago.
Team club has replied to Manu club
Hi Manu!
"news" and "sign in" are buttons. You have to click onto them to get (1) directly to the team blog with the news and (2) to the log-in site. (1) might appear in a signal colour, when news are on hand. The "search"-frame isn't a button, but a frame to write in directly.
The title is the result of the very complex discussion with many contributes. (One half of the participants wanted to write down everything here. The other half remembered to the KISS principle. Some did it suchlike forcefully, that the result was completely characterless at the end.) The decision was influenced by Stephen Covey's method of finding a creative alternative, if a compromise isn't possible because the positions are contradicting. And it follows the AIDA principle, not to give descriptions or answers while advertising, but to make people curious. / Copyright: good idea. / Period: will be decided next year. / Membership: Better proposal? / Space: Will be regarded. / Photo size: This is a Photoshop draft only. There still are some more inaccuracies, like the cast shadow. It's not the final version, which will be made very precisely by a professional agency with adequate tools.
Bernhard (ima)
7 years ago. Edited 7 years ago.
* ઇଓ * club has replied to Manu club
Agreeing to the proposed amendment of the copyright notice.
7 years ago.
Much better, short and to the point, arouses shop window interest.
Re trial membership time, I agree with others and three months is to long to let a prospective customer browse the shop. I think one month is plenty for a trial.
7 years ago. Edited 7 years ago.
Team club has replied to HappySnapper
To all:
Don't get stuck at the 3 months, please. The period isn't important for the design. It will be discussed again and finally decided separately next year.
Bernhard (ima)
7 years ago. Edited 7 years ago.
Manu club
Hi Bernhard

> are buttons

No. A button = a function, like "start search"

What you describe is a link = go to another page
7 years ago. Edited 7 years ago.
Bergfex club has replied to Manu club
Ok. But such a subtle differenciation is more important for the programmer as for the normal user. (From that point of view the three major buttons are also links, because they transmit to subsites.) As far as I know the Web Content Accessability Guidelines didn't make constrictions concerning that matter under the aspect of design, but only how it should be realized technically. Be assured, that the agency will encode everything professionally.
7 years ago. Edited 7 years ago.
 Jaap van 't Veen
Jaap van 't Veen club
Looks fine for me.
In the future we will be "ima member" instead of "Ipernity Club member" ??
7 years ago. Edited 7 years ago.
Be◉bachter club has replied to Jaap van 't Veen club
Jaap ,
"ima member" is a little bit tautologically, because m stands for member.
7 years ago.
mapgraphs club
Thank you to all involved. It is an elegant solution.

Background colors are subjective, white, light, medium, dark gray, black... With lots of opinions weighing in, so it's usually best to stick to an existing convention, in this case the white background.

The search field should have a Search button (or magnifying icon or such).

If the three labels – Explore, Free Trial and Membership are clickable (i.e. “buttons”) then the News and Sign In should be the same color (choose a style and apply it consistently). (The ipernity medium blue looks elegant on the white background.)

Slogans... Everyone is going to offer opinions such as change “More than simply photo sharing” to “more than photo sharing” or “A community of photographers, artists and writers” or whatever... Perhaps consider a slide show where photos *and slogans* can change?

The text below the three labels needs a little wordsmithing, ...don't really need to say “whole world” “world” would suffice, “all entries” probably would be better as “member” entries – or “offerings” - there's just some awkward phrasing that can be smoothed out. (I think I want to see the language used to be as succinct and elegant as the layout design – which means elegant translations as well ; - )

Designing by committee is not an easy task, but this is obviously an excellent team effort! Thanks again!
7 years ago.
Manu club
> slogan

The slogan/catch phrase needs to tell me why I should pay for ipernity instead of using flickr's (= yahoo's) free space.

I'm sure we'll get there.
7 years ago.
Team club has replied to Manu club
Hi Manu!

Most of all a slogan has to make accidental visitors curious! Under advertising aspects it has to explain nothing. It's one and only purpose is to motivate people to click deeper into the site.

Remember the Marlborow cowboy! Within his last years even the brand wasn't mentioned in advertisements.

Or as a current example BMW:
"Freude am Fahren" = "Pleasure of driving"
"Der Anspruch von morgen" = "The standard of tomorrow"

Nothing will be explained by such slogans.
But they are very successful:
BMW is one of the most favourable brands, same as Apple is with mobiles.

Bernhard (ima)
7 years ago.
Jaap van 't Veen club has replied to Team club
Agree with the present slogan. Think it is triggering somebody's curiosity.
7 years ago.
Manu club

join our independent community
of artists and enthusiasts

[either as slogan or under ‘Membership]
7 years ago. Edited 7 years ago.
 Roger Dodger
Roger Dodger
The team efforts are very much appreciated, it will all come out fine in the end; looking good so far!
7 years ago.
ROL/Photo club
Merci pour vos travaux ... le final.. sera parfait.. je n'en doute pas..
alors Messieurs bonne continuation.. dans ce sens ..!
7 years ago.
Ich finde, das sieht Aufgeräumt und Übersichtlich aus.
Einladend... für jemanden der es nicht kennt.
Was würde sich denn hinter "News" verbergen?!
7 years ago.
Team club has replied to Taormina
Hi Katja!
Wenn z.B. hier im Blog eine Nachricht für alle User veröffentlich wird, könnte der Button in einer Signalfarbe aufleuchten. Dann weiß man beim Aufruf der Website sofort, dass es was Neues gibt.
Es unterscheidet sich vom Glockensymbol anderer Fotoseiten dadurch, dass der Button nicht bei jedem Miin-Fuzzi-Kommentar aufleuchtet und damit nur nervt, sondern nur bei zentralen Botschaften von allgemeinem Interesse.
Bernhard (ima)
7 years ago.
Team club
Hi all

We would like you to give your *fav*, too, if you like it.

It's not fishing for compliments!
The only purpose is: With enough favs this picture will appear within *explore*, with the result, that more people recognize it.
(Unfortunately we don't have any news-button yet . . . )

Bernhard (ima)
7 years ago. Edited 7 years ago.
jeybee68 club
Die Frontpage sieht aufgeräumt und modern aus. Wechselt sich dann das Aufmacherfoto in einem bestimmten Turnus?

Gruß, jeybee
7 years ago.
Bergfex club has replied to jeybee68 club
Ja, gerne auch jahreszeitlich.
7 years ago.
 Marko Novosel
Marko Novosel club
Way better then the first one.
Hope youll find a place down the scroll for "Ipernity story" button.
This is also one thing what makes us different from other photo sharing sites,we have a story.
It would be smart to use it,it can help us attract new members.
7 years ago. Edited 7 years ago.
Bergfex club has replied to Marko Novosel club
Hi Marco!
This story will be written and linker!
7 years ago.
 @ngélique ❤️
@ngélique ❤️ club
moi j'aime bien !
7 years ago.
 Eunice Perkins
Eunice Perkins club
I like it.
7 years ago.
The design is beautiful, I like it. :-)
7 years ago.
 Anne Elliott
Anne Elliott club
Thanks - I like this version.
7 years ago.
 Peter Van Lom
Peter Van Lom
Works for me. Thanks for the effort...
7 years ago.
 Boarischa Krautmo
Boarischa Krautmo club
Looks good to me.
7 years ago.
 Nora Caracci
Nora Caracci club
very good !
( I agree with the suggestion of a "story" button explaining what is IMA )
And what do you think about the possibility of adding different languages, too much difficult?
7 years ago.
Team club
We will eliminate the tautology, make the three text blocks even more succinct and implement most of the suggestions from avobe. A new release will be published soon.
Concerning languages: of course this frontpage will be realised in several languages later (see the scheduled link within the bootom line)
Bernhard (ima)
7 years ago.
So here I am, back from the dead for just a moment because even though I'm no longer part of the club, there are some things I just can't let pass without comment.

The text in English is clunky, and the phrases are worded in ways that I don't think would come naturally to native English speakers. It's sort of reminiscent of the old "Welcome to Clint" that my old page title defaulted to. I'd suggest something along the lines of:

Explore: See what's out there with a tour of Ipernity's groups and galleries.

(This avoids repetition with the word "Explore" and gets more cleanly to the point. If you wanted, you could go "See what's out there with a tour of Ipernity's groups, galleries, and member contributions." Less clean, but still works.)

Free Trial: See what Ipernity has to offer by taking advantage of club privileges for three months.

Membership: Join the club and make Ipernity a part of your life with full access.

Now, this is text I tossed off quickly, as I didn't want to spend a lot of time parsing over it, but I think words along these lines look much more natural for native English speakers than what you have.

An additional thing I'd consider: There's not a lot of difference between "Explore" and "Free Trial," as the purpose of the free trial is to let people explore. I'd consider merging those fields.

And one more thing, I get the sense your idea is to slowly rebrand Ipernity as ima. On the surface, I don't think this is a bad impulse, but in a rebrand, you have to consider everything your new brand might invoke. As an American, when I see "ima," especially written in lower case, I think "ima let you finish, but Beyoncé had one of the best videos of all time." (Google it. There was a meme.) For a long time now, "ima" has been a kind of American slang for "I'm going to," but it's been around long enough that it's not even considered good slang any more. It's sort of a joke. I don't know how pervasive this read will be, but it will pop into the heads of at least some potential customers, and I don't know that this is what you want.

That's it. ima go back into the ether again now.
7 years ago. Edited 7 years ago.
Manu club
Newer version here

(Linked from here, but not officially announced yet.)
7 years ago.
Team club
Hi Clint!
See there, please:
7 years ago.
Elbertinum club
das Foto ist mir zu leer -
7 years ago.

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