
Team club

Posted: 10 Nov 2017

Taken: 05 Sep 2017

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mission statement

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(new) ipernity mission statement - first draft

(new) ipernity mission statement - first draft
This is a first draft only. The result of several discussions, which took place within the last weeks, but only in small groups and ima internally. Today we would like to present this draft to the whole community and to ask you for your opinion. Please feel free to note everything, which might be important from your point of view. Thank you!"

Excuse us to present it only in English. It's a lot of work to elaborate such a proposal. It would overcharge us totally, to do it in all languages, which are important for the final version. Use the translation feature please. The text is:

"Ipernity is a community of ambitious photo amateurs, professional photographers, artists, writers and casual users all around the world. It‘s web application allows the private sharing of photos, videos, audio files and blog entries with family and friends as well as the global online publishing of such contents. Within its groups it promotes the mutual inspiration and invites to direct communication, supported by a machine-aided translation feature. As it is user operated, it is independent from financial, political, religious, or other interests of third parties. The protection of users' privacy and users' content is of high value. Apart from the citation of public contents by search engines nothing will be published elsewhere. The total excellence of ipernity‘s web service with its unique pic-in-pic function may be exploited with its desktop application. ipernity is also available for iPhones and android devices with a customized feature set."

Jeanne chevillard, , FarbFormFreude, Roger Dodger and 8 other people have particularly liked this photo

68 comments - The latest ones
Team club
P.S.: We did not forget the frontpage redesign study! But as all good things it takes a while to consider all comments on it. Thank you for your patience!

ima (Bernhard)
7 years ago.
LutzP club
...too busy for me. I like the no-frills design much better.
7 years ago.
Ich finde es "überladen"
7 years ago.
Bergfex club
Äh . . . das ist keine Design-Studie.
Es geht um das Statement
7 years ago.
Taormina has replied to Bergfex club
Ja... zu lang.
Vielleicht etwas mehr zusammenfassen
und dadurch weniger Text?!
7 years ago.
 Erhard Bernstein
Erhard Bernstein club
Es ist alles richtig, aber für meinen Geschmack zuviel Text. Die ersten drei Absätze enthalten keinen Punkt, denn nicht auch jede andere Fotoseite claimen würde - hier ist also Potenzial zum Straffen.
7 years ago.
Amelia club
Far too wordy in my opinion; but maybe that's just me. Maybe the use of precise bullet points would make for easier reading.

There is also an apostrophe wrongly used in the second line.
7 years ago.
Ur@nos club
One word only: overloaded
7 years ago.
To long and needs to get straight to the point, as in this reply.
7 years ago.
Veterok club
I like the mission statement. I personally want to support sites that have a good set of values, and I like the values presented here. You can for example put this long form of it on a separate page, maybe do a punchline or two for easy readers? Or something like that.
7 years ago.
malona club
habe mir die Zeit genommen das ins Deutsche zu übersetzten,
nur um festzustellen dass es ganauso verschraubt wie im Englischen klingt... ;-)


ipernity ist eine Gemeinschaft von ehrgeizigen Hobbyfotografen, professionellen Fotografen, Künstlern, Autoren und auch gelegentlichen Nutzern aus aller Welt.
Unsere Webanwendung erlaubt das private Teilen von Fotos, Videos, Audiodateien und Blogeinträgen mit der Familie und den Freunden,
sowie diese Inhalte auch online öffentlich zu verbreiten.
Das Zusammentreffen in (thematischen) Gruppen fördert die gegenseitige Inspiration und lädt zur direkten Kommunikation ein;
dies wird zusätlich durch eine maschinelle Übersetzungsfunktion unterstützt.
Ipernity ist eine benutzergeführte Platform, und somit unabhängig von möglichen finanziellen, politischen, religiösen oder anderen Interessen von Drittparteien.
Der Datenschutz von Inhalten und benutzerbezogenen Daten wird bei uns groß geschrieben. (ist von hoher Wichtigkeit.)
Abgesehen vom Indizieren der öffentlichen Inhalte durch Suchmaschinen werden keine weiteren Daten freigegeben.
Die Vorzüge von ipernitys Webservice mit seiner einzigartigen Foto-in-Foto-Funktion können mit der Desktopapplikation voll ausgeschöpft werden.
ipernity ist auch für iPhones und Android-Geräte mit einem maßgeschneiderten Funktionsset verfügbar.
7 years ago.
malona club has added
just fur fun: die Rückübersetzung durch google:

ipernity is a community of ambitious amateur photographers, professional photographers, artists, writers and occasional users from all over the world.
Our web application allows private sharing of photos, videos, audio files and blog entries with family and friends,
as well as to distribute this content publicly online.
The meeting in (thematic) groups promotes mutual inspiration and invites to direct communication;
This is additionally supported by a machine translation function.
Ipernity is a user-managed platform, and thus independent of possible financial, political, religious or other interests of third parties.
The privacy of content and user-related data is very important to us. (is of high importance.)
Apart from indexing the public content by search engines, no further data is released.
The benefits of ipernitys webservice with its unique photo-in-photo feature can be fully exploited with the desktop application.
ipernity is also available for iPhones and Android devices with a custom feature set.
7 years ago.
 John Sheldon
John Sheldon club
I quickly drafted out a shorter version:

"Ipernity is a community of ambitious photo amateurs, professional photographers, artists, writers and casual users all around the world, who publish their work on its website.

Members’ work may be shared privately, for example with family and friends, or made available for global access.

Users’ privacy is protected. Public material may appear in search engines but nothing will be published anywhere else.

A translation feature enables members to communicate and mutually inspire each other, and members with similar interests may form and join groups.

Ipernity’s website is of high quality and user friendly. It is suitable for desktop computers and, with a customised feature set, for iphones and android devices.

Ipernity is user operated and is independent from financial, political, religious, or other third parties."

I think it conveys what the original intended. That's my penny's worth!

Ors has a point - is the statement intended for the front page, and if not where is it to be placed?
7 years ago. Edited 7 years ago.
Peggy C club has replied to John Sheldon club
Like this --
know we are commenting on a 'draft' ---
John has made good points without too much wordiness.
7 years ago.
Manu club has replied to John Sheldon club
> where is it to be placed?

I'd expect to see it when I click 'About us' or 'About ipernity'; at the moment that's a link in the footer on every page.
7 years ago. Edited 7 years ago.
Leon_Vienna club has replied to John Sheldon club
7 years ago.
Bergfex club has replied to John Sheldon club
Of course this mission statement has to be implemented into the existing website. Best plac would be here:
7 years ago.
Bergfex club has replied to Manu club
Hi Manu!
See above, please.
7 years ago.
mapgraphs club
Another version... ; - )

Ipernity is an international community of photographers, artists and writers.

We are member owned and independently operated.

One goal of the Ipernity community is to create an environment where anyone can share their work and inspire. Work may be shared privately between family and friends as well as publically to a global audience.

Member privacy is protected. Public material may appear in search engines but nothing will be published elsewhere.

A built-in translation feature enables members to communicate without language boundaries. Members with similar interests may form and join groups.

Our community’s website is suitable for the desktop, and with a customized feature set, can be shared on iphone and android devices.
7 years ago.
Manu club has replied to mapgraphs club
I like the "We ..." in mapgraph's version and agree that "We are member owned" should be stressed.
7 years ago.
David Michael club has replied to mapgraphs club
perhaps "share their work, inspire and be inspired" but yes, I like this one
7 years ago.
ୱ Kiezkickerde ( ͡°… club has replied to mapgraphs club
7 years ago.
jeybee68 club
Es ist alles richtig, aber kürzer wäre mehr.
7 years ago.
 * ઇଓ *
* ઇଓ * club
All in all, the content of this first draft is coherent, but also in my view the draft is overloaded and confusing - even graphically. The formulation suggestions of John Sheldon and / or mapgraphs are a good example.
7 years ago.
zu viel text. vielleicht gibt es hier verkürzungs/ auf den punkt bring menschen? wie wäre es z.b. mit einer formulierung, das dieses eine werbefrei benutzer geführte gemeinschaft ist und menschen aus allen bereichen der gesellschaft sich daran beteiligen. also kein hinweis auf profi oder amateur. dann vielleicht ein hinweis auf fotos und kommentare als schwerpunkt. und grafische symbole als hinweis für smartphone und tablett -> plattform übergreifend? ganz nebenbei angemerkt, wäre es schön wenn man gif-animationen veröffentlichen könnte. es würde diese plattform vielleicht etwas lebendiger machen. ein beispiel?
7 years ago. Edited 7 years ago.
Team club
Hallo an alle und schon mal ein erstes Danke! Mit dem vorgeschlagenen Text haben wir im ima-Team versucht, möglichst alle Aspekte unter einen Hut zu bringen, die in der Diskussion als wichtig erachtet worden waren. Natürlich wird das nochmal überarbeitet. Deshalb steht es ja hier zur Diskussion. Gerne weiter so. Denn es soll etwas entstehen, worin wir uns alle wiederfinden.
Zur Verwendung hat Manu schon was gesagt: Das Mission Statement wird über den Button 'about' auf einer extra Seite zu erreichen sein.

ima (Bernhard)
7 years ago. Edited 7 years ago.
Gudrun club
Inhaltlich ist alles drin, danke! Allerdings sieht es visuell unübersichtlich aus und der Text würde von einerr kürzeren und knackigen Fassung profitieren, wie im zweiten Satz von mapgraph's Vorschlag, den ich perfekt auf den Punkt gebracht finde.
7 years ago. Edited 7 years ago.
 Jaap van 't Veen
Jaap van 't Veen club
I think nothing is wrong with the text, but if possible - and there are already other versions - I would prefer a shorter one.

One point for me: I really don't understand the use of the word 'artists'. Can not imagine that this is a group that belongs to the target audience of ipernity.
7 years ago.
.t.a.o.n. has replied to Jaap van 't Veen club
artists are not a target audience ? good to know ! so better for all artists to go to another platform ? jaap, if you were an artist, you woudn't talk in this way ! btw: the target audience should be as big as possible, if iper wanted attract as many people as possible ! it needs them to survive !
7 years ago.
Jaap van 't Veen club has replied to .t.a.o.n.
Target audience or going to another platform are two different things !!
7 years ago.
Belleuse has replied to Jaap van 't Veen club
About "artists" : It is widely acknowledged that artists are a big international non-formal community. Even fb gives the opportunity to create a site for artists:
I am astonished by the proposal from Jaap and do not really understand why we should omit artists as a target group? A large group of artists have been present at Ipernity for many years, not only present but still active. Some of them have been here since almost the very beginning of Ipernity. Examples ? buonacoppi, Studley, Risa Profana, Mila, Taon, Bernard Hoffbeck, Stan Askew, My Awake Gottica, AdamRaphael Zilberman, Amba Lee, cΨḅǝrJ, Sabine Remy and many others, including me.
Artists are specialists in images, are not they? "IMAGES" are not just paintings, graphic, photography. Art sculptures and fabrics are also a type of images, but the technique is different. In our day many artists also use the medium of photography. Many professional photographers were also educated in art schools. And in photo schools - students have classes with artists - because they are specialists in images, compositions, visual cues and creativity. In addition - people like to publish photos with beautiful works of architecture from all over the world. Let me remind you that these wonderful monuments were also created by artists.
So I don't understand this voice for removing or ignoring "artists".
Jaap's proposal and doubts are astonishing to me. I didn't expect that we would have to wonder here, would it seem obvious, that the presence of artists makes social portals devoted to photography and inspiration more attractive - or less attractive ?!
I hope the word "artists" will remain in the text.
7 years ago. Edited 7 years ago.
.t.a.o.n. has replied to Jaap van 't Veen club
why should i be member of a platform which doesn't appreciate artists ? people are going to platforms where they have the feeling to be target ! to have artists in a community is good for the reputation ! obviously you think that it's bad for !
7 years ago. Edited 7 years ago.
* ઇଓ * club has replied to Jaap van 't Veen club
Jaap, lack of understanding and imagination are regrettable, but do not change the fact that the proportion of artistic contributions from all areas of human and natural life - manipulated / processed or not manipulated - is considerable and should not be underestimated.
Best wishes and a lovely weekend.
7 years ago.
Veterok club has replied to Jaap van 't Veen club
I'm an artist and a craftsman, and this is one of my main channels.

And I would love to see more makers on Ipernity as well - it's a huge, massive community. Flickr was really super about that before they ruined the user ui.
7 years ago.
Rrrolf club
Vielleicht wäre es eine Möglichkeit die vielen genannten Punkte im Entwurf nicht auf eine einzelne Seite zu bringen, sondern als slideshow hintereinander, Punkt für Punkt und mit anschaulichen Bildern zu präsentieren.

Perhaps it would be a way to bring the many points in the draft not on a single page, but as slideshow in a row, point by point and with vivid images to present.
7 years ago.
zielgruppendiskussionen, sind total sinnlos! damit verbindet sich ja auch die frage, wer darf was. nur so mal ganz nebenbei. fotografie ist schon lange ein anerkannter teilbereich der kunst. aber nicht jedes foto ist auch kunst. gerade die kreativen köpfe bringen hier abwechslung und ideen herein.
7 years ago.
Rrrolf club has replied to diedje
7 years ago.
* ઇଓ * club has replied to diedje
Please keep in mind, diedje: Many pictures from nature or from human areas of life are not creatively processed and yet high art. So, not only "creative" minds bring variety and ideas into the game - and inspiration. ;)
7 years ago.
cammino club
Es ist alles drinnen, was es zu sagen gibt. Das ist wirklich gut. Aber die Aussagen sind überladen und laden nicht zum Weiterlesen ein. Also deutlich kürzen!
7 years ago.
 Colin Ashcroft
Colin Ashcroft club
There is a lot to say and this catches the spirit of iPernity. I think information like this on just one page even with many words is preferred to many pages.
7 years ago.
 natureoncam aka Greg
natureoncam aka Greg club
To me a Mission Statement should be who we are, what we do, our standards and finally where we are striving to reach, that is the end product.
The first draft covers some of this very well and then driftds off into issues such as Iphone and Android, those idssues are nothing to do with the organisations mission statent they are for other operating instructions in my view.
Stick to four or five main principles to keep it short and to the point, also easier to translate!!
7 years ago.
 natureoncam aka Greg
natureoncam aka Greg club
Way to long for a Mission Statement, it should be short, concise and just say who we are, what we do, and our values and standards and our direction/purpose.
Anything else about Iphones and and other stuff should be in operating instructions or similar and seperate from the mission statement completely.
7 years ago.
Daniela club
Bravo !!!
7 years ago.
 Sami Serola (inactive)
Sami Serola (inactiv… club
Unfortunately ipernity for iPhone and iPad is no longer available. Application needs to be updated to make it work on latest devices. Several people have reported this.
7 years ago.
 Mecklenburg-Foto (Reinhard L.)
Mecklenburg-Foto (Re… club
Dass ein erster Entwurf nicht allen gerecht werden kann, ist doch klar. Ich finde es aber sehr gut und wahrscheinlich einzigartig, wie die Nutzer hier in die Gestaltung einbezogen werden. Dafür ein dickes Lob an die IMA-Leute!
7 years ago.
Team club has replied to Mecklenburg-Foto (Re… club
Erst mal danke für das Lob. Denn genau so ist es gedacht: Dass möglichst viele aus der Community ihre Meinung kundtun, damit am Ende etwas herauskommt, das das Wesen von ipernity am besten beschreibt: Was ipernity nämlich ist, und wodurch es sich von anderen Sharing-Plattformen unterscheidet. Insofern sollte der Vorschlag gar nicht perfekt sein, obwohl wir uns wirklich Mühe gegeben haben, die bis dahin vorliegenden Ideen (look here: bestmöglich zusammenzufassen. Der Vorschlag hier soll mehr als Initialzündung für ein Brainstorming verstanden werden, das im Ansatz ja schon stattfindent. Gerne weiter! Die Kunst wird am Ende sein, alles Wichtige zu berücksichtigen, das Statement aber dennoch kurz genug zu halten. Aber auch das wird uns gelingen.
Jetzt freuen wir uns erst mal auf euren weiteren Input von euch. Und wir lassen uns (und euch) dafür so lange Zeit, bis wirklich alles gesagt ist. Es drängt ja nichts, oder?
Bernhard (ima)
7 years ago. Edited 7 years ago.
declic67 club
ce texte me semble bon........mais il me manque quelque chose qui ""précise"" bien que IPERNITY est une association et non une entreprise !
7 years ago.
Team club has replied to declic67 club
Do you mean the term "non-commericial"?
Bernhard (ima)
7 years ago.
 Phil Sutters
Phil Sutters club
'Invites' is a verb. The noun is 'invitations'. But that makes the neatly laid out text awkward.
7 years ago.
 Philippe Collard
Philippe Collard club
Pour moi, c'est OK
7 years ago.
Xata club
No time to read all the comments on the subject, sorry... For me it is too dense, I'd rather have mapgraphs version

"Ipernity is an international community of photographers, artists and writers.

We are member owned and independently operated.

One goal of the Ipernity community is to create an environment where anyone can share their work and inspire. Work may be shared privately between family and friends as well as publically to a global audience.

Member privacy is protected. Public material may appear in search engines but nothing will be published elsewhere.

A built-in translation feature enables members to communicate without language boundaries. Members with similar interests may form and join groups.

Our community’s website is suitable for the desktop, and with a customized feature set, can be shared on iphone and android devices."

Anyhow I will be ok for translating in portuguese...
7 years ago.
Sylvie Coeffic has replied to Xata club
Cette version me semble bien: complète, simple et précise.
7 years ago.
Heide club
Die Beschreibung von IMA beinhaltet alles Wesentliche. Es ist für mich in Ordnung.
Herzlichen Dank, Bernhard - ima
7 years ago.
I like mapgraph's version above - it's clear, it's inclusive, and it sets out ipernity's values transparently.
7 years ago.
 John Sheldon
John Sheldon club
Mapgraph has my vote. Two votes if I had them!
7 years ago.
Rrrolf club
Mapgraph's version also has my approval. The statements summarize everything in a concise, precise and understandable way.
7 years ago.
Roger Dodger has replied to Rrrolf club
7 years ago.
 Isabelle Barruhet
Isabelle Barruhet club
Comme le disait Nicolas Boileau :

Ce que l'on conçoit bien, s'énonce clairement, et les mots pour le dire arrivent aisément.

Hâtez-vous lentement, et, sans perdre courage,
Vingt fois sur le métier remettez votre ouvrage :
Polissez-le sans cesse et le repolissez ;
Ajoutez quelquefois, et souvent effacez.

Bref, plus c'est simple, mieux c'est.
7 years ago. Edited 7 years ago.
Bergfex club has replied to Isabelle Barruhet club
Dazu von Goethe: "Lieber Freund! Entschuldige, dass mein Brief heute so lang geworden ist. Ich hatte keine Zeit, Dir einen kurzen zu schreiben."
7 years ago.
Stiffleaf club
Far too prolix and in poor English: go with mapgraphs' version
7 years ago.
tiltdesign2011 club
Prima :-)

Ich beobachte alle Aktivitäten sehr gerne. Daher habe ich meinen Account auch weiter bezahlt.

7 years ago.
 Guido Werner
Guido Werner club
I like mapgraphs' version too, perhaps with the exception of the first sentence:

"Ipernity is an international community of photographers, artists and writers."

English is not my mother tongue. But this sentence for me sounds as if Ipernity is primarily intended for sharing photos of high professional or artistic level. I am simply a guy who tries to take nice photos but I don't have artistic or professional ambitions and therefore I wouldn't call me a photographer or an artist.

Thus the first sentence of mapgraphs text could discourage me a little bit if I didn't know Ipernity better. What about the phrase "photo enthusiasts" instead of "photographers, artists und writers"? If we list too specific groups of photo enthusiasts we allways risk other groups to be discouraged.
7 years ago.
Stormlizard club
"Ipernity er et ambitiøst foto amatører og professionelle fotografer, kunstnere, forfattere og lejlighedsvise brugere over hele verden. Det er web applikation gør det muligt for alle at dele billeder, videoer, lydfiler og blogindlæg med familie og venner samt det globale online-udgivelse af et sådant indhold. Indenfor dets grupper fremmer gensidig inspiration og opfordrer til direkte kommunikation, understøttet af en computer aided translation feature. Da det er brugeren, der er uafhængig af økonomiske, politiske, religiøse eller anden tredjemands interesser. Beskyttelse af brugernes privatliv og brugernes indhold er af høj værdi. Bortset fra henvisningen til offentlige indholdet af søgemaskinerne intet bliver offentliggjort andre steder. Den samlede kvalitet af ipernity's web service med sin unikt billede-i-billede-funktionen kan udnyttes med sin desktop. ipernity er også tilgængelig for iPhones og Android-enheder med en skræddersyet funktionalitet."

This is the Danish version.

It is very well done and well worded in English.
Translated with my Babylon software.
7 years ago.
 Jean-luc Drouin
Jean-luc Drouin

Très intéressant tout ça, mais même si je maitrise l'anglais, j'aimerais bien que nous disposions d'une version française pour les messages généraux. J'ai cru comprendre qu'elle était à l'étude, mais il faudrait vite passer à l'action.
7 years ago.
declic67 club has replied to Jean-luc Drouin
il y a la traduction JEAN LUC pour cela un clic sur la commande traduction sous les commentaires ou sur le texte ou il est dit traduction en français.......les membres actuels du comité IMA ne sont pas encore assez nombreux pour traduire dans toutes les langue........mais si quelqu'un ce traduction n'est pas fonctionnelle par moment car elle dépend d'un serveur externe ...
7 years ago.
Team club
Hi all!
This is a draft only - and it's not achievable to translate drafts into several languages. The ima team consists of volunteers only from Austria, France, Germany, Finland, UK and USA (in alphabetical order). English is our internal conference language only.
Of course everything will be translated into all languages which are supported by ipernity at the moment of official implementation!
Bernhard (ima)
7 years ago. Edited 7 years ago.
Team club
Hallo alle!

Über die vielen dringenden Herausforderungen, denen sich das ima-Team stellen muss, ist diese Diskussion ziemlich in den Hintergrund geraten. Auch in den nächsten Wochen wird sich daran wohl leider nichts ändern.

Aber wir bleiben dran! Und sei es mit einer Übergangslösung. Denn der bisherige Text, den man unter dem zugehörigen Link findet, geht inzwischen so sehr an der Realität vorbei, dass es fast schon peinlich ist:

Wir melden uns nächste Woche wieder zu dem Thema.

Bernhard (ima)
7 years ago. Edited 7 years ago.
 Don Barrett (aka DBs travels)
Don Barrett (aka DBs…
I like the overall tone of the mission statement, but have some concern about the sentiment in the very first paragraph. If I hadn't been on this site for some length of time, when I saw the order from ambitious to artists, with what I consider to be my class (casual) as last, I would be suspicious that the site isn't for me. Order is important, so I would not suggest reversing the order, but instead making it less orderly overall so that the casual user felt welcome on first glance. Similar with the order of the pictures used on the page.
7 years ago.

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