25 Pounder, Dunbar


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28 Dec 2013

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25 Pounder, Dunbar

The 25 Pounder Gun at the Glebe Dunbar on the Geograph website . The Ordnance QF 25-pounder, or more simply 25-pounder or 25-pdr, was the major British field gun and howitzer during the Second World War, possessing a 3.45-inch (87.6 mm) calibre. It was introduced into service just before the war started, combining high-angle and direct-fire, relatively high rates of fire, and a reasonably lethal shell in a highly mobile piece. It remained the British Army's primary artillery field piece well into the 1960s, with smaller numbers serving in training units until the 1980s. Quoted from Wikipedia

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28 Dec 2013

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Dunbar Old Harbour

Dunbar is a town on the North Sea coast in East Lothian in the south-east of Scotland, approximately 30 miles (50 kilometres) east of Edinburgh and 30 miles (50 kilometres) from the English border north of Berwick-upon-Tweed. Quoted from Wikipedia

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28 Dec 2013

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Dunbar Castle

Dunbar Castle was one of the strongest fortresses in Scotland, situated in a prominent position overlooking the harbour of the town of Dunbar, in East Lothian. Several fortifications were built successively on the site, near the English-Scottish border. The last was slighted in 1567; it is a ruin today. Quoted from Wikipedia