St Gregory's

Canon Cameras

Looking towards Broughty Ferry from the Tay Road B…

East Scores


19 Apr 2024 1 4 207
Castle Sands, St Andrews

St Andrews Castle

St Gregory's


19 Apr 2024 3 6 225
St Andrews Almost gull-like, this grey and white seabird is related to the albatrosses. The Fulmar flies low over the sea on stiff wings, with shallow wingbeats, gliding and turning to show its white underparts then grey upperparts. Quoted from the RSPB website .

St Salvator's

19 Apr 2024 4 2 125
University of St Andrews


19 Apr 2024 5 2 187
North Sea from the East Scores, St Andrews


19 Apr 2024 4 8 166
Market Street, St Andrews

Hot Dogs and Fries on Sale at the East Scores

Fulmar in Flight

19 Apr 2024 12 10 326
St Andrews Fulmars may look superficially like gulls, but they are not closely related. They are in fact part of a group of birds known as ‘tubenoses’, or ‘petrels’, which includes both giant albatrosses and tiny storm petrels. They are almost gull-like, grey and white seabirds that are related to the albatrosses. They fly low over the sea on stiff wings, with shallow wingbeats. So, while they share some characteristics with gulls, they are a distinct group of birds.

Ten-Pound Tulips

19 Apr 2024 6 9 210
Market Street, St Andrews


19 Apr 2024 6 5 133
Market Street, St Andrews

School of Economics and Finance

Zip Wire

19 Apr 2024 4 4 127
Wild Shore, Dundee

Little Egret in Flight

Female Mallard

Pied Wagtail

1991 items in total