
Year of the Snake

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Folder: Yearly albums


31 Dec 2013 306
Inspired by Biscotte

Last summer

Crappy day

It has been so dark...

27 Dec 2013 6 4 455
...and rainy for many days.

Rainy Christmas

Odd playground equipment

Odd playground equipment,...

22 Dec 2013 2 2 652
...which looks like dysfunctional bicycle rack. I recalled I have somewhere seen similar odd playground equipment as in Stefan's shot . Inspired by Stefan, I decided to go and find it. So, I chose a little different route for my morning walk as usual, and found it in one schoolyard. This strange object made me remember also an old book 'Catalogue d'objets introuvables' by Jacques Carelman . So, do you know any other odd objects like these? Or do you know how this playground equipment is supposed to be used? Maybe I should go lurking around that schoolyard to find out how kids use it, and probably get arrested in doing so =D

Local culture...

21 Dec 2013 6 647 based on old learned habits. In Finland people don't wear shoes in their homes. Floors are covered with soft carpets , or more like Scandinavian rugs . Houses are well insulated, windows sealed with triple glass, thus making it comfortably warm and not drafty at all inside the houses. A strange combination of Turkish and Japanese cultures one could say. And if you try to point out a Finn out of the crowd, then just look at the shoes. Finns don't take care of their shoes. I guess it has something to do with the weather, which is dusty and muddy half of the year. Finns probably sees it pointless to spend too much time on brushing and polishing their shoes.

Holidays started!

New way...

19 Dec 2013 2 1 362 spend Pikkujoulu

People may come...

16 Dec 2013 9 3 598
...and people may go, but memes keep on living their own lives. Meme once brought into daylight, keep on coming back. Guy called Nils once suggested a 'soil project' where people were asked to take a shot of the ground where they stand on. Obviously he was not the first photographer on earth taking a picture like this, but he made an initiation to ask others to do the same. So, there is a meme to take a shot like this, and there is a meme to ask other people to do the same.

Let us say...

15 Dec 2013 7 6 680
...that the pigeons learned to recognize treeness, in the sense that they quickly enough learned to differentiate whatever exemplified treeness from whatever did not. -Arthur C. Danto

137 items in total