Square frame


Folder: Scrap
These are mostly created on PicMonkey and supposed to be downloaded and then for example use via 'Graphics > Add your own' on PicMonkey. Set the layer mode e.g. to 'Darken'.

12 Oct 2019

5 favorites

223 visits

Free frame

12 Oct 2019

2 favorites


206 visits

Free frame

12 Oct 2019

1 favorite

227 visits

Old frame

10 Oct 2019

1 favorite

189 visits

Green collage grid

09 Oct 2019

194 visits

1500 pixel 3x3 collage grid

Free to download and use.

10 Oct 2019

1 favorite

187 visits


Based on PicMonkey film frame, and free to download and use.

10 Oct 2019

190 visits

Film grid

Based on PicMonkey film frame, and free to download and use.

25 Feb 2016


412 visits

Square frame

Frame picked at PicMonkey editor, some further editing done, and dimensions changed to square. This can be used further on as a overlaying texture.

11 Oct 2019

226 visits

Film strip