Rob's photos
M108 - Galaxy in Ursa Major
M97 - The Owl Nebula in Ursa Major
NGC4036 (left) & 4041 in Ursa Major
An interesting galaxy pair separated by 470,000 light years, NGC4041 is a pretty face on spiral
M109 - Galaxy in Ursa Major
NGC1023 in Perseus
This seemed to have a high dynamic range and didn't show much detail. Non-linear stretch didn't really improve matters. It's a barred lenticular galaxy.
NGC2146A in Camelopardalis
NGC925 in Triangulum
A lovely barred spiral with plenty of detail and more detail just asking to be teased out. Part of the NGC1023 group.
NGC2403 in Camelopardalis
This was unexpectedly bright and fizzing with lots of detail, I spent a long time studying this. Part of the M81 group.
NGC891 - Galaxy in Andromeda
An 11th mag edge on spiral about 30 million light years away. Other galaxies in the field are circled.
NGC7640 - Galaxy in Andromeda
Second NGC7640 in Andromeda, a barred spiral also 11th mag. The capture contains stars down to mag 19.0 which seems pretty good for my light polluted location.
NGC891 - Galaxy in Andromeda
M31 and companions
Using the 66mm refractor at F4 the image appeared with excellent detail after only 5 seconds!
NGC7331 and 'the fleas'
Bright galaxy in Pegasus. Stephan's Quintet can be seen in lower left corner. There are at least 17 galaxies in this capture. Taken with 66mm refractor at F4 and Lodestar Camera.
NGC7023/C4 - Iris Nebula
The Iris Nebula is a reflection nebula in Cepheus with a bright star in the middle making it a bit challenging.
The Cave Nebula
The Soul Nebula
The Pacman Nebula
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