Rob's photos

M1 Crab Nebula

M1 Processed

11 Jan 2018 100
This image was taken with a Lodestar camera, on an unguided CG5. I used Starlight Live to create a mono 'live stacked' image and a colour 'live stacked' image. I then combined the two in photoshop to ge then above. Frankly I'm amazed that an image that good is possible with such a modest camera and with live stacking. Total integration time around 5 minutes.

Visual Setup

Visual Setup

Visual Setup

24 Apr 2016 154
This setup is used for visual observing and comprises a Celestron C8 and a Megrez 72mm refractor on either side of a Sky Tee 2 altaz mount.

Mercury Transit 9th May 2016

09 May 2016 152
Image generated from a 14 second video under hazy cloud using following equipment: - 72mm refractor on an undriven altaz mount - Canon 1100D using eyepiece projection with a 5mm BST eyepiece - Herschel Wedge Processed in Registax and Paint Shop Pro.

Mercury Transit 9th May 2016

08 Apr 2016 1 181
Single expsure taken under hazy cloud using following equipment: - 72mm refractor on an undriven altaz mount - Canon 1100D using eyepiece projection with a 5mm BST eyepiece - Herschel Wedge

M82 - the cigar galaxy

NGC3359 - Galaxy in Ursa Major

NGC2146 The 'Dusty Hand' Galaxy

NGC4236 in Draco

05 Feb 2016 191
Also known as Caldwell 3 but surprisingly faint, it's a barred spiral galaxy and part of the M81 group of galaxies.

NGC3718 and 3729 in Ursa Major

05 Feb 2016 164
NGC3718 (top) & 3729 (bottom) plus a nice little group of 4 galaxies to the top right. NGC3718 is also listed as peculiar galaxy ARP214 and the small group is Hickson 56. All galaxies wonderfully framed and a lovely sight:

NGC2841 in Ursa Major

05 Feb 2016 165
This has a nice spiral structure which I didn't manage to bring out very well, but there is a nice cluster of galaxies to the bottom right and a number faint galaxies to the top left.

NGC2336 in Camelopardalis

05 Feb 2016 173
I observed a delicate spider like structure to this galaxy. PGC213387 lies just to the right at mag 17.5. I feel I could have got much more detail of the beautiful spiral with better seeing - one to try again on a better night.

M51 - The WhirlPool Galaxy

05 Feb 2016 204
Incredibly bright, the faint 'nebulosity' which appears to surround its satellite NGC5195 can be seen.

M81 - Bodes Nebula in Ursa Major

M82 - Cigar Galaxy in Ursa Major

IC2574 - Coddington's Nebula

86 items in total

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