Questionable Bill-Postery


Miscellaneous weird stuff


29 Sep 2007 135
A really disturbing dolls-head, found in the stamp sand at an old copper mill. June 1994. I've always been both drawn to and repelled by the weirdness of this picture, and I remember being a bit spooked even while taking it. This version is pretty much as-is, only gamma-shifted to enhance the B-W contrast a bit. Time and exposure to UV and the stamp sand had turned the doll head's hair pink and its vinyl skin a ruddy grey. If you click on the map link, you can actually see the stamp sand on the satellite view, stretching a half-mile out from the mill and several miles south along the Lake Superior shoreline. Couldn't get away with creating a moonscape like that nowadays.

Dollface - Curved

29 Sep 2007 93
A really disturbing dolls-head, found in the stamp sand at an old copper mill. June 1994. Added some severe manipulation of the color curves. Really brings out the eyes. And not in a good way.


14 Oct 2011 95
Black swans (or maybe geese).


23 Feb 2009 102
The day before I left Essen, I decided I had to find this place that I'd seen in a coffee-table book about the metro area. It was too weird to pass up. It was actually rather difficult to find, but I ended up stumbling across it just as I was about to give up, having walked through way too many garden allotments and gotten too many dirty looks. What this is is a (former) monument to the Freikorps or paramilitaries of the early interwar period, in ways the forerunners of the SA thug squads which Hitler later rode to power. The monument has long since been stripped of its bronze memorial plaques, and is now just a Stonehenge-like ring of brick columns topped with either concrete or stone ashlars. For scale, note the woman sitting on top of the ring, reading (just left of center).

It's What's for Dinner

21 Mar 2002 106
Braaaaaaaaains!!! This was a work in progress, which I unfortunately neglected to photograph when complete. It's a chunk of Great Stuff insulating foam, sprayed in coils on a painter's dropcloth, and split while the foam was still rising with a piece of fishing line to form two lobes. The first attempt at painting it didn't quite take (as seen here, following a bath of ammonia to strip the shellac undercoat). But the second attempt was truly breathtaking -- a faintly greenish-gray undertone, with traces of arterial red and venous blue in the crenellations applied between several layers of clear shellac and finally overlaid with clear shellac mixed with a tiny amount of irridescent acrylic base. Glistening and not a little gruesome. It was a performance prop for a friend's kid. The completed item was mounted under a plastic display dome, with a number of wire "probes" attached to the crenellations, to form a "control unit". Regrettably, it was most likely destroyed in Katrina. Until I stumbled across this picture today, I hadn't thought to ask about it's status.

Finland - Helsinki

01 Jun 2002 108
Beware of Finns bearing globes.


29 May 2004 144
Who knew that West Texas had such a rich diversity of insect life?

Alien Pods

16 Jul 2006 111
Some bizarre and disturbing lifeform on the side of the Cameron summit.


13 Aug 2006 113
This thing was about the size of a softball, and looked just like the unreal mushrooms you see in cartoons or the kitschy wallpaper in old ladies' kitchens. Who knew such things really existed?

Alien Graffiti

20 Mar 2007 124
Damned alien teenagers and their gang tags!

Urine Dump

20 Mar 2007 96
When you gotta go, you gotta go.

Prayers for the imprisoned

18 Jun 2007 139
Must have been a doozy of a sin, whatever it was.

Czech Republic - Mikulov

19 Jun 2007 78
A caryatid holding up the roof in Mikulov

Czech Republic - Sedlec Ossuary

19 Jun 2007 102
The famous bone chandelier at the center of the ossuary, which is reputed to contain at least one of every bone in the human body.

Czech Republic - Sedlec Ossuary

19 Jun 2007 108
"Now, now...human skulls are not for baby to play with!"

Czech Republic - Sedlec Ossuary

19 Jun 2007 106
The famous bone chandelier.

Czech Republic - Sedlec Ossuary

19 Jun 2007 100
The famous bone chandelier. Regrettably, having no tripod, I wasn't able to get very good pictures of the massive bone pyramids in the corners of the ossuary.

Czech Republic - Sedlec Ossuary

19 Jun 2007 97
The Schwarzenberg coat of arms, with one of the bone pyramids in the background.

209 items in total