Packed and Ready to Go

2008 Arches

Folder: Travel Stuff
A rainy afternoon at Arches National Park, Utah, May 23, 2008

Packed and Ready to Go

22 May 2008 87
Throw in a mountain bike and you've got my gear. A bit much for three days of car camping, I think. Compare to this photo of what I packed for two weeks of travel in Europe.

Storm Coming

23 May 2008 54
From I-70 just before the Moab turnoff. This isn't looking good...

Storm Coming

23 May 2008 62
From I-70 near the turnoff to Moab.

Simply Red

23 May 2008 61
Cliffs north of Moab after a torrential rain. The picture doesn't adequately convey just how deep red the cliffs appeared -- as if someone had pourd blood over the rock.

Park Avenue

Park Avenue

Park Avenue

Park Avenue

23 May 2008 71
Notice the alien head and the corndog formations on the left...

Park Avenue

23 May 2008 78
Wide angle shot of the Park Avenue canyon near Courthouse Towers

Three Gossips

23 May 2008 82
Hard to tell from this angle, but this formation has a very "Argonath"-like feel to it.


23 May 2008 93
Near the Petrified Dunes turnoff.

Storm Landscape

The Windows

23 May 2008 67
As seen from the Petrified Sand Dunes turnoff. The Windows (both from a distance and from up-close) had a strange quality to them, like the ruins of an incomprehensibly ancient alien city.


23 May 2008 98
A lone, isolated needle, with the La Sal mountains in the background

Needles and Mountains

Balanced Rock

23 May 2008 70
This thing is not long for the world.

Cthulhu Fhtagn

23 May 2008 70
Not sure why, but I looked at this rock and immediately thought "Cthulhu".

Mount Futuramamore

23 May 2008 71
Kif Kroker, immortalized in stone.

59 items in total